Tulasi Vanam

How should Hindus gain strength & navigate through tough times?

Hindus must derive strength from the three points below, explains Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji:

  1. First, we must have strength derived from the remembrance of Bhagavan (bhajan/japa): Ishvar ka bal.
  2. Second, we must try to follow dharma and gain power through that: Dharma ka bhal
  3. Finally, one must have the ability to connect with others and create a community: Sangh bal

If the above three points are not used to derive strength and power, we shall be destroyed. It is tough for good people to survive today.

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Does Bhagavan have a varna?

We have often seen people take examples of Bhagavan Sri Rama, Sri Krishna and Parashuramaji, etc., to give explanations on the varna system. However, as per the principles of sanatana dharma the varna system is not applicable to Bhagavan. How can it be applied to Bhagavan Vishnu (or His avataras), for example, who manifests Himself as His Supreme-most or Virat form? Varna system is not applicable to Brahmaji or any other deity either.

We can say that Bhagavan only imposes Himself as brahmin/kshatriya but the varna system cannot be used for Him. Only in this limited view we can say Brahmaji is brahmin and Vishuji is considered kshatriya as He does the job of protection. However, this cannot be concluded in the same way as is used for humans. The grandson of Vishnuji is Bhrugu, was a brahmin. A kshatriya grandfather and a brahmin grandson – this cannot be the varna system of humans at all.

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What is meant by “bearers of earth” or “prithvi ke dharak”?

Those elements which are involved in the performance of yajna as per shastras, can alone be the sustainers of the earth. The earth is the one to nourish all and the sustainers of the earth are our praiseworthy symbols. The symbols are:

  1. Brahmins: Brahmins who are noble and virtuous, self-restrained, having the knowledge of vedas and shastras
  2. Gauvansh: The indigenous cows and bulls or gauvansh, as indicated in the vedas.
  3. Vedas.
  4. Chaste women and their lineages.
  5. Truthful men.
  6. Persons with no greed.
  7. The one’s who are generous and donate.
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Is there any guideline for svasth kranti or healthy revolution?

A detailed actionable guideline has been given by Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji on what we can do individually, to start bring about the healthy revolution.


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How can I find out who is my Ishta devi/devata?

If you are unsure or confused about the devi/devata you are most attracted to, read more and find out.


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How can I increase sattva guna in me?

To increase the strength of sattva, you need to work on your lifestyle and closely observe what you are consuming.


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What if my karma & job is different from the traditional role of my varna? Does my varna change then as per my karma?

Your varna remains the same while your karma or profession may or may not be aligned with your varna. It is best if it is, but if its not, it still doesn’t change your varna that is as per your birth. A lion remains a lion whether he roars or not.


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What is the use of dharma if all cannot be equal?

Dharma is aligned with the eternal principles of creation. Nature or prakriti is diversity expressed through the maya shakti of Brahman or the Supreme One. All are not equal in manifestation and expression – there are differences for sure. Yet, there is one underlying factor that all are Brahman in essence. At a physical and practical level there is no equality but at the spiritual level all are same and one since there is no second to Brahman. Yet, all have the equal opportunity to evolve and attain the One Brahman, through their unequal and diverse roles. No one is deprived of the fruit of their actions in sanatana dharma.


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How does shradda ritual help those who have passed away?

Shraddha ritual helps the departed to get punya or fruit of good deeds.


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How do i recognise my dominant guna?

Understand your dominant qualities.


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Are cows sacred to Hindus?

Yes. Cows are sacred to us Hindus. Read some highlights on this topic.


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Are Hindus really cow protectors?

Yes. The word “Hindu” itself is closely linked with cow protection.


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Do we Hindus have 33 crore Gods?

This is not quite accurate. Find your answers in our article.


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What is meant by ishta devi/devata?

Ishta devi ore devata means our most beloved or favourite deity, who we can intimately relate to.

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What is the purpose of a Hindu temple?

The purpose and importance of a Hindu temple is explained by Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji.


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What is the cause of destruction of Hindus?

At the root of destruction of Hindus is the destruction of Vyaspeeth and the directionless Governments.


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Will taking diksha from Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji mean I am part of some sect?

You will identify as a Vedic Arya Sanatani Hindu. The philosophy of the traditional lineage is that of Advaita Vedanta (Smartha sampradaya or sect).


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After taking mantra diksha from Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji, what is my obligation?

Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji has explained that if you want to gain maximum from the Guru – do not try to be overfamiliar or come too close to the Guru, and do not keep too much distance either. Be respectful and loving to those who serve the Guru. Without crossing boundaries be loving, modest, disciplined, show satisfaction and faith – take guidance of Guru. Show up for darshan when possible. Do your dharmic practice/japa and studies as per the Gurus guidance.

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What if I have done unacceptable/unmentionable sins in past, as a Hindu (which would make me not “Hindu”)? Can I still get mantra diksha and blessings of Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji?

These questions of your personal life are not asked by anyone. In fact, if you feel this way, you must take diksha for sure, to help you on your journey of self-purification, healing and spiritual elevation. There is no stealing of fruit in sanatana dharma, so without more delay, commence on the right path and take blessings to start your spiritual journey under the light of the Guru.

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Do I have to be intellectually convinced of each and every traditional Hindu teaching to get mantra diksha from Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji?

No such thing. Learning is a life long process and goes over janmas too. Once you get diksha, you can continue to explore teachings and discourses, taking your own time for seeking your answers. You will have the Guru to guide you.

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Do I have to be a brahman or dwija to get mantra diksha from Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji?

No. Mantra diksha is given to people of all varnas/castes by Pujyapad. Even if you are varnasankar or not part of any varna (vratya), you are still eligible for mantra diksha.

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Do I have to be vegetarian or have a traditional Hindu or conservative lifestyle to receive mantra diksha?

There is no such pre-requisite for mantra diksha. Being vegetarian is highly recommended in general but each person has his own journey and success/failures in achieving the ideal.  After receiving mantra diksha you may attempt to follow teachings.

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What kind of mantra diksha is given by Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji, generally?

You will receive mantra diksha of your Ishta Devi or Devata (you will be asked who your Ishta is before you get diksha).

Do not know who your Ishta is? READ MORE

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Do I have to give a fee for mantra diksha from Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji?

No. Such commercial activity does not exist. However, as per Hindu tradition, each person expresses their own gratitude for darshan and diksha by making an offering as per individual capacity (at Narayan Paduka present at venue). Also, people bring fruit, sweets, coconut, banana, vastra, dakshina and other auspicious items that we offer to Gurus, as per ones shraddha. These are often distributed to all as prasad.

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What is the requirement I have to fulfil to get diksha (at the venue where it will be given)?

As per tradition, men need to wear dhoti/mundu and women need to wear sari for diksha. Else, mantra diksha would not be given to you by Puri Shankaracharyaji.

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Do I need any special contacts to receive mantra diksha from Puri Shankaracharyaji or will I be given any preference due to this?

There is no such thing. If you know someone, that is for your comfort and wonderful. However, no special contacts are required to get diksha. Just go to the venue where darshan and diksha is taking place.

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What if I already have mantra diksha from another Guru or practice some type of meditation but feel Puri Shankaracharyaji must be my Guru now?

If you have had another Guru in the past who does not fit the criteria as suggested via traditional teachings of Santana dharma (read more for learning about this), it is fine. You may move on, without worry/fears.


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What is a Hindu Rashtra?

A Hindu Rashtra is a nation that functions as per the guidelines of the vedas and shastras.


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How can we make a Hindu Rashtra?

We must create the right environment for a Hindu Rashtra. It can happen through the change of mindset brought about by a healthy revolution or svasth kranti.


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How would a Hindu rashtra function? We have a democracy now.

There must be a gradual transition from the current system to a Hindu Rashtra.



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Where will other religions go if we have a Hindu Rashtra?

People following other religions need not go anywhere.


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What is the need for a Hindu Rashtra?

To protect the sacred symbols of sanatana dharma and flourish, we need a system that is aligned with tradition and culture of sanatana dharma.


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How do I get rid of addiction (including to this mobile phone)?

There is no such person who does not have an addiction. There are methods to deal with unhealthy addictions.



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Due to my work routine I am suffering from BP issues. What will help me?

Do not worry. There is a solution for this.


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I feel very tensed & anxious all the time. Is there any solution for this?

You can be free of tension with the guidance given.


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I feel lazy and lack of motivation. What should I do?

This can be resolved by following some simple steps.



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I tend to struggle with a lot of lust and rising desires. How do I deal with this?

Lust, desire, anger, attachment, grief – all these feelings arise from the perception of duality. We have the steps to guide us in this situation.


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I was not aware of the various rules given in shastras and I am afraid I have sinned a lot. It makes me guilty and fearful. What should I do to wash away my sins?

Chanting the name of Bhagavan will help you.


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Why do I have many health problems, what should I do to heal?

Detailed information is given for understanding your health problems and healing.


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I am unable to sleep at night, is there any solution?

There is a  mantra that will bring you sound and deep sleep.



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How do I bring a positive transformation in my life?

To bring changes in your life you need to understand and work with your predominant gunas or qualities.


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How can a householder get moksha?

Following the path of dharma, the householder must transform his individual love an all-pervading love.


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Is a householder life inferior to sannyasa?

Grihasthashrama or the householder life is at the root of the worldly path as well as the path to renunciation. It has great importance and is not considered inferior in any way.


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I have chosen a life of a householder, then why must I do japa, puja etc?

The goal of Hindu life – be it that of a householder or sannyasi, is to attain moksha. It is not the same as that of a materialist who does not follow the path of dharma.


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Can I touch the Shivalinga in temples?

No, not unless you are the responsible and authourized priest who performs the puja.


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Does Bhagavan listen to our prayers?

Yes. Even the anklets of an ant are heard by Bhagavan. There is no prayer of ours that does not reach Him.


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How should I perform daily puja?

The steps for daily puja have been shared in our article.


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Is it necessary to do puja?

Performing daily puja is an essential and indispensable part of the life of a Hindu householder.


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When Bhagavan is Supreme and everything is Him and His, then why do we make offerings and waste money?

Like a child offering flowers to the father from his very own garden, we make offerings to Bhagavan.


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I have not yet been able to find my Guru. What should I do?

Please wait patiently.


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What are the qualities to seek in a guru?

A guru should belong to a traditional linage.


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What type of Guru is recommended?

A guru of a traditional sampradaya or ancient lineage of sanatana dharma is recommended if you wish to evolve and attain moksha, as per vedas and shastras.



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What are the scriptures I can study on my own, to start with?

The Ramcharitmanas, Jnaneshwari, Srimad Bhagavatam (you may study a single chapter. The 11th canto is recommended), Dasbodh are suggested for self-study. After these, the Bhagavadgita maybe studied.


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Do I need to have a Guru or listen to discourses of Acharyas if I am sharp enough to understand the scriptures by myself?

Yes, you need a guru. Traditionally speaking, one needs to have adhikara to study vedic scriptures or understand scriptures in depth (including itahasa like Ramayan). On our own correct understanding may not be gained due to our limitations.


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Do I need a Guru?

Yes. Just like for learning any subject, we need a teacher, to learn about the Supreme Truth we need a Guru. We all need a living guru who can guide us.



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What timings of the day should I do mantra japa?

  • Morning (as soon as you wake up but do so without mala since you have not had a bath yet)
  • After bath and daily puja
  • At noon
  • At sunset
  • Before sleeping.
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How much time must we spend on mantra japa in a day?

It is recommended to chant for 75 minutes daily atleast. We can do this in five 15 min sessions, or we could combine couple of sessions together, depending on our schedule of work, etc.

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What can young children and youth recite?

Name of Bhagavan maybe chanted by all. Hanuman Chalisa and Ram Raksha Stotram maybe recited.

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If an astrologer recommends chanting of veda-mantra to me, can I chant?

It is not recommended unless you are traditionally authorized to do so. Today, many astrologers suggest mantras inappropriately but you must stick to the basic traditional rules to prevent self-harm.


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Can I chant Mahamritunjaya mantra for good health?

The chanting of Mahamritunjaya mantra is restricted and all are not advised to do it. A powerful mantra which has even been suggested to doctors to help patients recover and can be chanted by all for general good health is that of Dhanavantari Bhagavan.



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Traditionally speaking, I am not supposed to chant gayatri mantra. Does that mean I cannot get intellectual strength or moksha?

If you cannot chant Gayatri mantra since you are a woman or do not have a sacred thread (worn by brahmana, kshatriya, Vaishya), you have the option of chanting a mantra with the same power as the Gayatri mantra.


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I chant the Gayatri mantra, but I was told that as per tradition, all cannot chant it. Is this true?

Yes, it is true. Gayatri mantra is a veda mantra. The practice of veda mantras is restricted. Chanting inappropriately can cause harm.


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Why do I need mantra diksha?

Mantra diksha taken from a guru contains the energy of the guru’s perfection or siddhi of the respective mantra. A mantra done after diksha would have quicker results than if we were to do japa without diksha.



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Can I chant mantras without mantra diksha?

All mantras cannot be chanted without diksha. However, you may chant the name of Bhagavan (like Rama, Krishna, Shiva, etc) without mantra diksha. Do not pre-fix Om or beej mantras while chanting without initiation.


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What is mantra diksha?

Mantra diksha is initiation into the practice of a mantra given by a Guru.



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Can I put my baby to sleep with Om chanting playing in room?

While you may think your baby appears peaceful with listening to Om or even other vedic mantras, it would prove to be very harmful since it is a restricted veda mantra and can cause immense harm due to its potent energy that cannot be digested by an ordinary householder, so forget that a baby would handle it. May lead to imbalance of mind and body and illnesses at some point.


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Why is there restriction around chanting of veda mantras and Om?

Our shastras have rules and regulations to maintain balance and harmony, ensuring that all flourish and are protected from possible damage at the same time. Restrictions are not based on biases and are not meant to deprive people from attaining Bhagavan.


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What is a mantra?

The highest and subtlest of the sources of energy in the above list is the element akash, linked to sound or ‘shabda’.

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I have been told that inter-caste marriage is sinful, and I am worried. What should I do?

If you have already had an inter-caste marriage, you need not worry now. Instead there is a solution to help you.



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If I do not have a sacred thread but belong to a brahmin, kshatriya or vaishya caste, what varna am I?

You would be considered as someone who is out of the varna system. “Vratya” is the term for this. The authority you enjoy is the same as that of a shudra till you get your sacred thread ceremony done.


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What is the right age for sacred thread?

Brahmin: 8-16 years
Kshatriya: 11-22 years
Vaishya: 12-24 years

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Which varnas can wear sacred thread?

Male brahmin, kshatriya and vaishya are eligible for this.

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What is yajnopavit samskara or sacred thread?

The word “yajnopavit” has the term “yajna” first. The sacred thread is required to participate in the Shrouta-Smarta yagnas. This applies to brahmins, kshatriyas and vaishyas.

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What is the meaning of dvija?

“Dvija” means he who is born twice in life. The first birth is the biological one. The second is through the yajnopavit or sacred thread ritual or samskara. People born in brahmin, kshatriya and vaishya families are authorized for the sacred thread.


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Any advantages of the varnasharma system?

  1. Balance in systems of education, defence, businesses, and services.
  2. Security of livelihood from the time of birth itself and freedom from distress.
  3. Maintenance of a reasonable size of population
  4. Protection of the modesty of women
  5. No wastage of time, money, and efforts to create alternatives of varnas that will have their own shortcomings, anyway.
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What are the different roles of different varnas?

There are traditional roles of different varnas. These can also be adapted to contemporary times. It is recommended that we try to follow our designated role.



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Does sanatana dharma encourage foul practices or ill-treatment on basis of varna?

The misuse of jativad must not happen. The system itself is a boon and hence, while applying it we must remember the golden rule of life of doing unto others as we would like to be done to us. We must continue to follow the basic principles and humane values of dharma. If a person has the above-mentioned basic virtues, then only can he imbibe the dharma specific to his varna. When divine qualities and high birth culminate in arrogance, the individual becomes a demon.

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A brahmin is allowed to do puja in a temple but a sweeper is not supposed to do that. Is the sweeper deprived of evolution?

There is no stealing of fruit in sanatana dharma. It is best if we can do our role with devotion and righteousness as per our varna. If a sweeper does his job dutifully, considering it to be his dharma, he gets the same result (phala) that a pujari gets when he worships Bhagavan. Hence, emphasis is on performing duty and offering it at the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan.

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Can a person change his varna/caste via karma? Can a shudra become a brahmin if he has those qualities?

Vidurji from the Mahabharata not a brahmin by birth but had the qualities/nature of a brahmin. However, that does not mean he becomes a brahmin.

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Why does sanatana dharma discriminate between humans based on caste?

We must remember that the principles of sanatana dharma, including the varna system is closely aligned with nature. All the differences are meant to serve as our facilitators, and not as barriers in our evolution. At the root of all diversity we see, there is oneness. If we do not accept the diversity that exists in creation, there will be a state of pralaya (dissolution of creation).

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Is caste or varna system by birth?

According to the Yogdarshana, jati, ayu (age), and bhoga (enjoyment) are described as the three fruits of our prarabdha (past karma which gives fruit at time of our birth). Therefore, these three are fixed at the time of our birth. Jati and varna are the same. Thus, our caste is determined at birth itself.

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Are varna and jati same?

Yes. Varna and jati, both are same.


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Why are there so many restrictions in shastras pertaining to study of vedas, mantras etc?

The methods and prohibitions given in shastras have no kind of biases. These limits are not put due to ignorance, likes or dislikes. The intention is to help people get the maximum benefit and at the same time, be protected from potential harm.


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What is sanatana dharma?

The dharma that contains everything, which is the basis of everything, and which liberates everything is sanatana dharma. The dharma which is instrumental in all kinds of development is sanatana dharma. The dharma which stays for eternity and makes it possible for you to attain the ultimate sanatana Paramatma (Eternal Truth) is sanatana dharma.

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How to identify adharma?

There are five types of adharma – vidharma, paradharma, upama, chhal, and abhas.


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What is svadharma?

Svadharma is our individual dharma. Karma or actions performed within the limits prescribed by the sanatana guidelines in shastras are called svakarma or svadharma. Karmas when done as per rules form our dharma. Svadharma is derived from our gender, varna, ashram, place, and time.

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What is Dharma?

That which keeps the integrity and usefulness of a system intact is dharma. Virtuous humane conduct in an individual’s life us called dharma. The virtues are: truth, self-control, willingness to serve, compassion and goodwill.


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Who is a Hindu?

Those who accept the seed mantra of Vedas – ‘Omkara’ as their mantra, who have faith in rebirth and worship cattle and the Ganga, who consider Vedic Maharishis as their Guru, are capable of destroying the violent, and are the upholders of kshatradharma (endowed with bravery, protectors of virtuous and destroyers of the evil) are Hindu.

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