Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series About Hindu Rashtra

We may wonder why there is a desire of wanting Bharat to be a Hindu Rashtra. Why must we focus on religion when development is more important?

Here we shall be sharing a very important explanation derived from the discourses of Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji.

When there can be Musalman, Christian or communist countries, why can’t there be a Hindu Rashtra?

Gaining independence – No matter how long a country has been ruled under foreigners, after gaining independence, within the limits of human rights, the country is in the position to be independent and protect the symbols of its civilization, but we have not been able to do that.

Partition – The partition was done in the name of religion. If after partition Bharat is to become a Hindu Rashtra, what is the objection? Based on human rights as well, this is legitimate.

Our ancestors – We must recognize that the ancestors of all are Vedic Arya Sanatana Hindu. Our existence is prior to Christianity and Islam and their ancestors were also Sanatani.

Destruction of sacred symbols – Today, we are not able to protect the basic symbols of sanatana dharma. Be it our ancient teerthas, Gangaji and gaumata, etc, – without a system aligned with Hindu dharma, only the seeds of these can remain. Even our temples and mathas are under government control.

Environmental destruction – There is immense environmental destruction from our mountains to rivers, in the name of “development”. This is because the current system defines development in terms of smart cities, with less consideration to dharmic values that protect the sacredness of nature and emphasize the maintenance purity and harmony.

Anarchic governance – In terms of governance, the current system is anarchic. Since the traditional system of varna is not being followed, the alternatives of all varnas have been created to keep systems functioning, instead of the originals. No matter how much training is given the samskaras or inherent aptitude for the respective roles is not formed.

The alternative brahmins in the form of taking care of education today, prove to be a threat to the educational system entirely. The police and the army who are the alternatives for kshatriyas, often pose threat to security, themselves. The alternative vaishyas are the industrialists who jeopardise the economic system. The alternative shudras are the svayamsevaks and those who have converted to other religions and end up jeopardizing services.

Since the above are all alternatives of the traditional system, they tend to deviate from their respective goals. In addition, the time, money, and resources that are spent on creating these alternative roles are very high. Sometimes, alternatives do work well if aligned and guided by those having original roles through generations and by tradition. However, that is not the case.

The Silent King – In this system of democracy, there is a mauna or silent king. The people of the democracy say that they have not elected anyone as head to promote cow slaughter or to create struggles. However, that is very much the ground reality.

No system aligned with Sanatana Dharma – As Hindus, we don’t have our own systems of education, defence, agriculture and commerce, and services. We don’t have cow protection either. Our Constitution is not our own and we are not even the first citizen of the country. We Hindus are being destroyed and divided. This cannot be called “human rights”.

If someone is possessed or diseased, that person will spread problems. The same way 100 years of foreign education system has created such a deep-rooted issues that politicians and leading organisations are removing the basic principles of being Hindu under the label ‘Hindu’ itself. Hindus are being destroyed and all efforts are being made to make us extinct. Thus, it is very important to know the actual meaning of the term ‘Hindu’.

If we truly have a Hindu Rashtra, then the whole world will be inspired by us.

The Hindu way of food-clothing, housing, education, health, transportation, festivals, defence, service, law, and marriage are refined and unparalleled. Following the methodology given by sanatana dharma to create and consume these would help mankind flourish.

Our sanatana vedic sciences have the knowledge that inspires contemporary research in science as well. All Avatars of Bhagavan are born in here too.

If we are keen on development, it must be noted that the current system of development is only destroying us and leading us to disease and misery. Development as per vedas and shastras is the creation of individuals and society that is secure, educated, cultured, service-oriented, healthy, prosperous, and directed towards the well-being of all. It is that which facilitates enjoyment as well as the ultimate human goal of moksha.

Our ancient sanatana civilization can flourish only when we become a Hindu Rashtra. The whole world shall benefit from us. We must also remember that a desh or nation without dharma is not worth calling a “rashtra”.

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