Tulasi Vanam

We often wonder if Bhagavan actually listens to our prayers or not. During struggles, we feel discouraged imagining that Bhagavan is not listening to our repeated prayers. It can be very disheartening.

The explanation given by Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji brings great relief as we learn that Bhagavan is listening to every utterance of His name, even if it is in our heart.

Even the anklets of an ant are heard by Bhagavan, says Kabirdasji.

When someone remembers us, or praises us in our presence, the words are heard by us unless we are deaf, of course. Devatas are omnipresent. As per the 13 chapter of Bhagavadgita, Bhagavan and His manifestations are present in the form of deva shaktis. Wherever someone prayers to them, even if it is in the heart and not via speech, the prayers are heard. This is because Bhagavan is “antaryami” (Bhagavan is omniscient & all pervading) and hence, also in our heart. Devi-devatas hear our prayers done in any form. They are omniscient and divine. The devatas of the earth, water, wind, fire and sky are the panchadevatas. The controller of maya, the Supreme Devata is Paramatma. Devatas have divine power and they listen to our praise and the utterance of their name.

If Bhagavan can hear our prayers, why aren’t they answered immediately?

Bhagavan considers whether fulfilling the prayers of the innocent person would bring him benefit or harm. Pujyapad relates the story called “The Golden Touch”. In this story a man was granted a boon by a yaksha. He asked for the boon that whatever he touches must turn into gold. The man touched his daughter and she turned into gold. He touched his wife and then the door, both turned into gold. He tried to eat and all the food turned to gold. The boon he asked for proved to be a devastating curse on him.

Thus, devi-devatas consider what we wish for in our prayers must be born of ignorance, and fulfilling our wishes may make us suffer. At times, without considering our reach or position, we make a wish out of greed etc. Thus, devi-devatas purify our wishes and fulfil them in a manner and at a time that is most beneficial to us. We must not think our prayers are not being heard since wherever we are devi-devatas are certainly present, being within us and omnipresent.

If 1000 yagnas are happening at one time in different places but as per the shastras,  devatas will create their 1000 subtle forms and be present in all the places at once.

यत्र यत्र रघुनाथकीर्तनं
तत्र तत्र कृतमस्तकांजलिम्
वाष्पवारिपरिपूर्णालोचनं मारुतिं
नमत राक्षसान्तकम्

   Meaning: Wherever the glory of Lord Rama’s deeds is being sung, right there, Lord Hanuman stands with folded hands. His eyes are filled with tears of love. I pay my respects to Hanuman ji, the destroyer of demons, known by the name Maruti.

If Bhagavan Rama is being worshipped in a thousand places at the same time, Hanumanji shall be present there in His Divine form. Those who are blessed with divine vision can alone can see Him.

Therefore, we must never doubt that Bhagavan is not listening to our prayers. He is wherever we are. He resides in our hearts and everywhere at all times. The power of the name of Bhagavan is immense.


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