Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Gauraksha

Here is a brief overview of the sacredness of cows as per Hindu tradition.

Cows as sustainers of earth

In our shastras, gau mata has been described in many ways. The following verse is given two times in the Skandapurana (Maheshvarkhanda and Kashikhanda):

Implies: The earth is held aloft and sustained by seven—by cows, noble Brahmanas, Vedas, chaste women, men of truthful speech, persons with no greed and generous donors (those who do dana).

Earth or dharti mata provides us with grains, fruit, precious gems, metal, etc. Dharti mata gives us all that we need to sustain life. The only thing expected in return by her (dharti mata) in the form of food is, the cowdung and the urine of the indigenous (desi) cow. This quenches her hunger and thirst. If we view this in a subtle way, cows are a form of dharti, herself.

The existence of all seven sustainers of dharti mata , in the above-mentioned verse are dependent on cows. How would brāhmaṇas, for example, perform yajña without cow dung and ghrita? Without this, how would there be dāna and upholding of vedas, etc.

Cows as form of mother earth

In Ramayana we have read, that when the earth is weighed down by pāpa or sins, dharti mata approaches Brahmaji in the form of a cow.


सुर मुनि गंधर्बा मिलि करि सर्बा गे बिरंचि के लोका।
सँग गोतनुधारी भूमि बिचारी परम बिकल भय सोका॥

Implies: Devtatas, munis and gandharvas went to Brahamaji in satyalok, together. Overwhelmed with fear and grief, the poor pṛthvī (dharti mata ) also went with them, taking the form of a cow.

Thus, cows are the spiritual form of earth.

Cows as per Bhagavadgita

कृषिगौरक्ष्यवाणिज्यं वैश्यकर्म स्वभावजम्।
परिचर्यात्मकं कर्म शूद्रस्यापि स्वभावजम्।।18.44।।

Implies: Agriculture, cattle rearing and trade are the natural duties of the vaishya; action consisting of service is the natural duty of the shudra.

Cattle rearing and protecting gauvansh is an important duty on which both agriculture and trade depended upon, traditionally.

The earth remained fertile with cow dung providing good soil for agriculture and cow products were used for trade.

Cows as per Shukraniti

While, brahmanas did not plough fields, as per Shukraniti it is said that brahmins must have 16 bulls on one plough, 12 for kshatriyas, 8 for vaishyas, 4 shudras, 2 antyajas. This was the guidance.

The cows and bulls all were owned and that is how the protection happened, naturally. The usefulness of the gauvansh was immense.

From Srimadbhagavata

Referring to the Srimadbhagavata, prithvi, in the form of gau mata told Raja Prithu:

Rajan, the one who ignores the solutions that have been created, tested and applied by vedic maharishis, and uses other methods for the process of development, all his projects get destroyed.

Cows as Givers

Every aspect – the breath, the footsteps, the dung, and urine of cows are highly medicinal, having great curative properties. Gau mata offers us great nourishment and strength.

The milk of the cow is used to prepare ghrita and then is offered to devi-devatas through sacrificial fire. The cow who plays this role of providing milk for this purpose of yajna is called “yajna dheru”.

Fulfilling Purushartha

As wealth or artha, cows give food items like gavya, and milk products. Gaurasa gives fulfilment of kama or desires. Our lives become divine, brimming with good health and purity of  antahkaraṇa, sense organs and organs of action. Hence, aligned with dharma. The one taking care of the cows (gopalak) pleases Bhagavan Govinda and this paves the way for moksha, the fourth purushartha.

Cow protection

When Bhagavan has grazed cattle barefoot in his lilā, it is our responsibility to protect cows.

Entire humanity must engage in cow protection. All those who drink the milk of cows are to be considered her children. The mother of the whole world is jagat janani gau mata.

Cow protection is not related to the Hindu-Muslims issue. Even on the day of Eid, Muslims need cow milk. Even muslims prefer indigenous cows since jersey cow milk is not considered fit for consumption and is known to be disease causing. Christians also use milk for making creams for cakes etc. Milk is given to their children too. Hence, it is the duty of all to protect cows. Cows give us good health and keep us disease free. They also gives us wealth and prosperity.

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