Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 6 of 9 in the series About Mantras

Chanting mantras is an important part of dharmic living and daily spiritual practice for Hindus. It is a way to connect with Bhagavan and invoke divinity in our lives, ultimately, aimed at moksha or freedom from the cycle of birth and death.

There are specific restrictions on the chanting of vedic mantras as explained in the article Rules Around Mantra Chanting. However, there are several mantras that maybe chanted by all without birth based considerations of varna and gender, while, there maybe some other general rules linked with them too, respectively (like chanting in state of purity, chanting only after diksha, etc).

Below are some mantras which we can chant regardless of our varna and gender:

Tantric Pranava

To make the vedic pranava (Aum) available for ordinary people, Upanishads have given the beej (seed) mantras ‘hreeng’, ‘hreem’, ‘kleem’, and so on – these are called ‘tantric pranava’.

The power of vedic pranava (Aum) can’t be digested by all and hence, these beej mantras are given for mantra diksha to people in general. This can be compared to the use of castor oil as a medicine. If we drink castor oil directly, we will suffer. Hence, there is a diluted form that is prepared by doctors to clean the stomach without causing havoc.

These beej mantras or tantric pranava also need diksha from a guru and must not be chanted out casually or on mics, as is often done.

Alternative to Gayatri Mantra:

Gayatri mantra is known for helping us heighten the power of our intellect and pave the path to moksha. However, the use of the mantra is restricted to men of certain varnas. Now, this does not mean that those who cannot chant the Gayatri mantra do not have any means to enhance their intellect or attain moksha (which is often thought out of ignorance). Below, is the verse that has the power of the Gayatri mantra, and maybe chanted by all (including women).

From the Ramcharitmanas

जनकसुता जग जननि जानकी। अतिसय प्रिय करुनानिधान की॥
ताके जुग पद कमल मनावउँ। जासु कृपाँ निरमल मति पावउँ॥4॥

Janakasuta jaga janani janaki। Atisaya priya karunanidhana ki॥
Take juga pada kamala manavaum̐। Jasu krpam̐ niramala mati pavaum̐॥


In the above verse, Gayatri is Bhagavati Sita, and paying to Her will purify our minds and give us the same benefit as the Gayatri mantra.

This mantra can be done while sitting or by roaming around. Chanting the above shall give us the benefits of the vedic Gayatri mantra.

To increase the power of our intellect we must chant this 32 times in a day. We can also chant it 40 times a day for 40 days to strengthen the power of our mind.

Hare Krishna Mahamantra:

The Hare Krishna Mahamantra is from the Kali Santarana Upanishad. It starts with ‘Hare Rama’ and then goes on to ‘Hare Krishna’. However, since the Upanishad is part of the vedas, all do not have authority in chanting this mantra.

So that everyone can chant the Mahamantra, Chaitanya Mahaprabhuji, in the linguistic style of Ananda Ramayana, changed the order of the mantra. He put Hare Krishna first, as follows:


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

Rama Mantra

The essence of ‘Rama’ is the same as that of Aum. The word ‘Rama’ contains the seed of fire (Agni), sun (Surya), moon (Chandra), as R-A-M. As per the Upanishads, both are Taraka Brahma (that which can free us from the cycle of birth and death).

Achyut Ananta Govinda

Many swear by the curative/healing powers of Gayatri mantra and Mahamritunjaya mantra. It is believed that some have even done experiments with patients, assessing their recovery with the use of these mantras. However, this is extremely dangerous since initially, these mantras may increase our urja (energy) immensely, but at some point of time our entire urja shall be destroyed.

A powerful mantra which has even been suggested to doctors to help patients recover and can be chanted by all for general good health is that of Dhanavantari Bhagavan – avatara of Vishnu Bhagavan, and the giver of Ayurveda.

अच्युताय नमः
अनन्ताय नमः
गोविंदाय नमः

Achyutaya Namaha
Anantaya Namaha
Govindaya Namaha

To help us heal and deal with diseases, and chronic health issues, we must chant this aloud for atleast fifteen minutes daily. Read more here – Healing Incurable Diseases.

Bhagavan Naam

Anyone may chant the name of Bhagavan. We may chant the name of our ishta devi/devata without any concern. The only precaution being that we must not prefix ‘Aum’ or any beej mantra on our own, before the name of Bhagavan.

It is common for people to chant “Aum Namaha Shivaye” and temples play this on mics too. This can be very destructive. It is advised to chant just the name of Bhagavan instead. For example, Shivaye Namaha ,Vasudevaye Namaha, Hareya Namaha, Shri Krishna Sharanam Mamah, Bhiaravaye Namaha, etc.

Taking the above into consideration, it is clear that restrictions in sanatana dharma pertaining authority, do not keep others deprived of benefits.

An example to state would be – a sannyasi has to let go of the use of fire (hence, renounce agni). Thus, he cannot cook his own food. Now this does not mean that he cannot eat or is deprived of food.

There is no stealing of fruit in sanatana dharma. If we cannot chant vedic mantras, we may take the support of the above mantras (that we are authorized to chant), with full faith and dedication, to uplift ourselves spiritually, aiming at attaining freedom from the cycle of birth and death.

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