Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 8 of 9 in the series About Mantras

Mantra diksha is of immense importance to those following sanatana dharma. Without initiation in a mantra (mantra diksha), one is not authorised in the particular dharmic practice for the attainment of its purpose.

Without diksha we are not considered educated, without education we cannot rise in the world and beyond, and will remain distant from Paramatama or Supreme Truth – our ultimate goal.

A select few who have attained high spiritual elevation and have had a guru in their previous life, are compelled to take birth just to complete some of their remaining and unavoidable karmas. They do not need diksha. For all rest, ordinarily, diskha from a guru is necessary.

To attain Bhagavan we need Bhagavan-naam diksha or initiation in the name of Bhagavan. A mantra given in diksha is meant for japa and not kirtan or chanting/singing aloud. It has to be chanted as per the instructions given by the guru.

Difference between chanting name of Bhagavan without diksha & with diksha

We can chant only the name of Bhagavan (Shiv-Shiv, Shivaye Namaha, Ram-Ram, etc) without mantra diksha, but when diksha of the name of Bhagavan is taken from a guru, its impact is multifold. If we do it by ourselves, it will give us power over a long period of time and with alot of practice of japa. However, when we get the mantra from a guru it will already be far more powerful owing to the tapasya (penance) and siddhi (perfection) of the guru – the energy of which is contained in the mantra.

A bullet that comes through a gun has much more power and velocity than that which is thrown from the hand. In the same way, when a guru who has done sufficient amount of chanting of the name of Bhagavan and carries the power of strength and devotion – the energy of the same is embodied in the mantra he gives us. Thus, the mantra we get initiated in, fruits much faster.

Doing mantra japa by ourselves (anything beyond simple Bhagavan naam) can be harmful as the mantra will cause “visphot” (a destructive explosion) or be totally invalid. Only gurus may give us the mantra of Bhagavan naam along-with beej mantras, etc.

The success and value of a mantra comes with mantra diksha. Please note, that mantra diksha must be recieved from a true, authorized living guru. 

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