Tulasi Vanam

It is very common for people to suffer from health problems like high blood pressure, arising from work related stress. Puri Shankaracharyaji gives us a way to overcome this difficulty through the guidance shared below.

Before sleeping at night, chant (japa) ‘Shiva-Shiva’ for about ten minutes. Do this with the feeling of surrender towards Bhagavan and with the prayer, below –

To the One who protects me and my family, the ocean of compassion, the embodiment of the supreme blissful Truth, the Lord of all, please give me such a living that helps me gain health so that I can remember you.

Sleeping with the above feeling shall bring auspiciousness.

On waking up, again do japa of or chant aloud, ‘Shiva-Shiva’, for some time.

Your stress shall be eased and health will improve.


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