Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Gunas

“Other than exercising, what else must one do to overcome laziness?,” asks a young man.

Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji explains, sleepiness, laziness and carelessness are signs of tamoguna, and are a result of not having a goal in life.

He shares the following guidance:

Sleep on time at night and wake up before sunrise. If you are addicted to the television, naturally you will sleep late (so avoid that, naturally).

  • Do not sleep after sunrise.
  • Sattvika food and behaviour helps. Old food must not be consumed.
  • Worship Bhagavan.
  • Purify your mind by engaging in activities without expectations of fruit.
  • Make efforts to keep your mind pure and focussed.
  • Be fully determined to attain your goal.

For a detailed understanding on how to reduce the grip of rajoguna and tamoguna read –Working on Our Gunas.

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