Tulasi Vanam

There are two things we can do to make the mind free of tension, as explained by Srimajjagadguru Shankaracharya Svami Sri Nischalananda Sarasvatiji Maharaja, Shankaracharya of Puri (referred to as Maharajaji).

1. Chanting the name of Bhagavan

It is the word of the Manusmriti that by chanting the name of Bhagavan aloud, our mental-world/thoughts and imagination (manorajya) calms down. Emotions that create tension settle down with this simple practice.

Sit in solitude and chant aloud:

गोविंदा जया जया
गोपाल जया जया
राधा रमण हरि
गोविंदा जया जया

Govinda Jaya Jaya
Gopala Jaya Jaya
Radha Ramana Hari
Govinda Jaya Jaya

As you chant, listen to these words yourself.

2. Surrender

Do not think of yourself as the owner of your family or body. Such an attitude shall keep the mind tense.

Maharajaji explains this by sharing his own example –

I never think that this body is mine and that I am Shankaracharya or that I run this institute. People can keep thinking this from outside. However, I have never thought of myself as the Svami (or Master/owner) of this life, even though I am in the position of the Shankaracharya. I leave everything to Īśvara and dharma and my behaviour is guided by them alone.

So many PMs and Presidents have changed since the time I have been Shankaracharya. The role of a Shankaracharya is of immense responsibility but I do not have any tension since I do not consider myself to be my own Svami. With such an attitude there is nothing known as ‘tension’.

One must think that one’s body, or family – wife, children etc, have all been given by Bhagavān as means to attain Him. We all go through favourable and unfavourable circumstances.

Hrishikesh Brahmchariji keeps singing couple of lines from a bhajan while working. I have never seen him tensed. In our lives, we face some intense challenges since we are not to give into greed or fear. This attracts great difficulties. I should be the most stressed… since people linked with my own institute, the Muslims, the Christians, the communists, etc – from every direction I have to face obstacles.

The solution lies only in remembering Bhagavan. If not for that, we would be very tense all the time.


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