Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series About Hindu Rashtra

How will we become a Hindu Rashtra without a monarchy? What would be the way forward to create a Hindu Rashtra, given the current democracy?

Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharaji explains as follows:

There can be a Hindu monarchy only after the time of democracy expires. The transition can only be gradual.

To mould a democracy into a monarchy, the process is as follows:

  1. The council of ministers must have four Brahmins who are knowledgeable and intend to serve. They will be the teachers. Education system must be aligned with the spiritual wisdom that will help attainment in worldly and spiritual matters, ultimately facilitating all to attain Paramatma.
  2. There must be eight Kshatriyas who ensure balance and a secure system of defence.
  3. Twenty-one Vaishyas are needed to maintain balance in the economic system, take care of agriculture, cow-protection and commercial activities.
  4. Three Shudras are required to keep services and small industries intact and smoothly functioning.
  5. There must be one soot who shall take care of all cultural aspects.

This system is derived from the Mahabharata. There is to be only one main king while there would be regional kings too. Within monarchy there is democracy as explained through the “mantri mandal” or cabinet of ministers.

However, is not possible to directly replace a democracy into a monarchy. If the above is followed and the cabinet is re-organized as suggested, then it is possible that education, defence, services, and economy remain balanced, to start with.

The question arises if our Hindu Rashtra would be as per Savarakarji or Manuji. In future, Pujayapad Puri Shankaracharyaji would write on Hindu Law. That would take a few years, however.

A lot of hard work and effort needs to be made to create an environment that is favourable for the transition to a monarchy. People are needed, plans are needed. Today, it is impossible to get ten people in Bharat who think beyond filling their stomach and are not the secret agents of some politicians.

A healthy revolution or svasth kranti is the way forward for us to create the environment favourable for a Hindu Rashtra. Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji has given a detailed guidance on what we can do, individually, to create the environment for a Hindu Rashtra through The Healthy Revolution.

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