Tulasi Vanam

Jagadguru Svami Sri Nischalananda Sarasvatiji Maharaja, Shankaracharya of Puri (Maharajaji), has given us guidance on the rules pertaining to the worship of the Shivalinga.

In order to stay protected, both men and women must refrain from touching Shivalingas that are present in mandirs. The teja of Bhagavan gets destroyed by doing this and additionally, we will have to face the unintended harmful consequences. The reason for this has been elaborated further by Maharajaji.

The teja (or electricity-like energy) of Bhagavan is manifested in the vigrah of Bhagavan or the Shivalinga. The expansive Paramatma is invoked during the consecration of the vigraha or Shivalinga following vedic, tantrika or yantrika methods. The methodologies and prohibitions with reference to worship, are given in a way so that the we are benefited through worship and at the same time, are protected from harm.

If every person attempts to touch the Shivalinga, then the teja of the Shivalinga gets destroyed. In mandiras where the Shivalingas are consecrated according to tradition, only pujaris of the traditional lineage must be allowed to touch it. As per shastras, other than them, no one else is supposed to touch the Shivalinga.

It is like the example of the rules to follow with reference to good conductors and bad conductors for the use of electricity. The methods and prohibitions have no kind of biases. These limits are not put due to ignorance, likes or dislikes. The intention is for the user of electricity to benefit from it and not be harmed.

A murti and a mantra have more power than that of an atom bomb. This should be understood and we must perform pujas as per our tradition, within the limits of our adhikara. Regarding the Shivalingas in temples, men and women both must remain alert and not touch it in order to take care of themselves.

For women – Women may keep a photo of Shivji for worship at home. When in a state of purity, they can do the arti of Bhagavan, arti of tulasi, plant bel saplings, plant durva, and do the puja of photos of Bhagavan with great love. Parthiva (earthen) linga puja is done at home by women as well, when they are in a state of purity. Shalagrama and Narmadeshvara are worshipped only by men in the family who have a yajnopavita. They can perform puja according to the tradition. Others in the family can make offerings through the authorised male member. Whoever gives the offering of the puja will receive the fruit of it.

The above rules must be kept in mind when we worship Bhagavan Shiva.


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