Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 1 of 8 in the series Healthy Revolution: Actionable Guidelines

There is a wave of Hindu awakening and a strong need felt for a Hindu Rashtra.

The re-establishment of Bhagavan Sri Rama’s temple at Ayodhya is resulting in a powerful rise of consciousness in Bharat.

Many of us are inspired and wish do to something to be a part of the movement towards creating an environment for a Hindu Rashtra. However, the idea seems fetched and we are clueless on how to go about this.

Do you often get the thoughts below?

I want to do something for dharma & desh but do not know where to start from.
Trying my level best to offer my efforts towards dharmic work but feel I have no support.

For starting our movement towards a Hindu Rashtra, we first need to have a healthy revolution or svasth kranti. This healthy revolution is the ground work to be done by all Hindus so that the correct environment is created for the ultimate goal of a Ram Rajya or Hindu Rashtra

This series provides us the actionable guidelines on how to be a part of this historic revolution led by Jagadguru Shankaracharya Svami Nischalananda Sarasvatiji Maharaj, The Shankaracharya of Puri, Govardhan Math.

Series NavigationWalking in the Fog: Be Confident >>


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