Tulasi Vanam

Temples are meant to be sacred centres of education, defence, culture, service, dharma and moksha. – Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharya

It is impossible to imagine Hindusthan and our Hindu civilization without temples. Our temples are the abode of our deities, place of refuge for devotees and where the heart of the Hindu community lies. We Hindus yearn for darshan of Bhagavan at our sacred dhams, we wish to have the blessing of undertaking important pilgrimages in the course of our lifetime. Our ancient temples have our entire itihasas and puranas woven around them, and our great ancestors bled to death to protect our temples and deities from ruthless invaders. We Hindus have darshan of ancient temples and wish to be blessed with the punya of building new temples.

In contemporary times, owing to government occupation of our temples and interference in Hindu religious matters, there is lack of clarity on the traditional significance of temples. Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji has spoken extensively about the role, importance and current situation of Hindu temples. He has also guided us to make our local temples the centres of Hindu activity and community building.

Changing situation of temples over time

He explains that in the past, the Rajas felt that our Hindu existence and ideals shall not be protected* with forts alone. That is why they made “Thakur Dvaras”, temples of sanatana devis and devatas. Temples and mathas were the centres of education, defence, culture, service and moksha.

Over a period of time, these institutes were reduced to becoming a mere source of income and honour for a handful of people. This is the reason, that in independent Bharat, despite the existence of these divine institutes, we have not flourished on dharmic and spiritual grounds.

Government Control

The secular government has become the controller of our spiritual and dharmic centres. They even constitute the temple administrative body as per their own interest. Those working in the temple are instruments of government. In addition, when traditions prescribed for worship are not followed as per shastras, the devi-devatas disappear from the vigrahas and ghosts, pretas, evil spirits and dark energies enter into their murtis causing grave destruction.

Pujyapad feels that all must benefit from the temple but no one must exploit its systems. The temples must be managed in a pure way and their purpose must be understood. Secular governments must not interfere in our dharmic and spiritual affairs. The challenge Owing to the above, the main purpose of these (govt controlled) temples is lost. It is hard to say how Hindus shall protect their existence through the temples. Existence of temples without maintaining its ideals, serves no purpose. Such an existence does not last long.

Desired purpose and role of Hindu temples

Temples are meant to be sacred centres of education, defence, culture, service, dharma and moksha.

The ambiance of a temple should be beautiful, clean and divine so that it proves to be auspicious for all.

May temples contribute to the creation of individuals and a society that is secure, educated, well-cultured, service-oriented, healthy, prosperous and directed towards the well being of all. This is the very definition of development given by Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji, as per vedas and shastras.


*Do you know that on July 31, 2023, Hindu pilgrims were attacked by Musalmans in Nuh, Harayana? 2500 Hindus stayed protected from attacks in the Nalhar Mahadev Mandir, a Shiva temple, which was part of their yatra.


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