Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series About Hindu Rashtra

Many of us may wonder what would happen to the large population of Musalmans and Christians who live in Bharat if we were to become a Hindu Rashtra. Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji explains, as follows.

A Hindu Rashtra is not a secular nation. It would function on the principles of dharma. Dharma is based on truth, discipline, serving others, compassion, and sympathy. We cannot stay without dharma. And a Hindu Rashtra functioning on these dharmic principles would nourish all.

Earlier, the word “secular” was not in the Constitution. Hindus are not against other religions. Post partition we have had three Musalmans as Presidents. Has such generosity ever been seen in any Musalman country? Is this generosity of Hindus a strength or weakness. Can Musalmans emulate this even in their dreams? We have so many people in power who are Musalman – from government to judiciary. They came as invaders and when they came as refugees they were given shelter. Christians and Paris were given also given refuge in Bharat by Hindus.

We say that everyone’s ancestors were Sanatana Vedic Arya Hindu. If we say that Christians, Musalmans, and communists must not exist, it’s a problem. But we do not. In a Hindu Rashtra all may operate within the limits of humane values.

Our ancestors were refined in knowledge and culture. As per geographical boundaries too we live in Hindusthan.

There are many countries running based on Quran and Bible in the contemporary times. The partition of Bharat was on the name of religion. After partition, Bharat- if it becomes Hindu Rashtra, based on human rights as well, this is correct.

All can flourish with the help of dharmic principles followed in a Hindu Rashtra. A Hindu Rashtra is free of any kind of exploitations and biases.

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