Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 5 of 9 in the series About Mantras

Vedic mantras – Aum, Gayatri and Mahamritunjaya, hold immense power and thus, there are rules and restrictions around their use. These restrictions determine who can chant the mantras, who can offer their initiation, in what condition, and how they must be chanted, etc.

Vedic mantras can only be chanted by those who are from brahman, kshatriya or vaishya families, and have had their yagyopaveet (sacred thread) at the right time.

The age correct age for yagyopaveet:

Brahman: 8-16 years
Kshatriya: 11-22 years
Vaishya: 12-24 years

If in the above period the thread ceremony is not done then you are considered “vratya” (out of the varna system). In such a situation, after performing the prescribed penance, yagyopaveet ritual maybe done. Where the tradition is not destroyed and sandhyavanandam is performed, after diksha by kulguru, father etc, in pure state, male members can do japa. The same applies for Mahamritunjaya mantra.

Chanting Aum on its own is restricted to brahmans who are sannyasis. They alone can digest the power of the beej of the entire creation, that is, ‘Aum’.

If others do these restricted practices without the above-mentioned authority, the mantra can create mental imbalance, health issues and losses, since power of the mantra cannot be digested without following their respective rules and regulations. Women can also damage their reproductive system with chanting vedic mantras.

Explanation behind restrictions

Philosophical explanation

We engage in chanting a mantra for seeking its fruit (or result/outcome). As per the philosophy of sanatana dharma, we must know that there is no deprivation from the fruit of our actions. This is explained, as follows:

Srimad Bhagavadgita:

स्वे स्वे कर्मण्यभिरतः संसिद्धिं लभते नरः।
स्वकर्मनिरतः सिद्धिं यथा विन्दति तच्छृणु।।18.45।।

Meaning: Keenly devoted to his own natural duty, man attains the highest perfection in the shape of God-realization. Hear the mode of performance whereby the man engaged in his inborn duty reaches that highest consummation.

यतः प्रवृत्तिर्भूतानां येन सर्वमिदं ततम्।
स्वकर्मणा तमभ्यर्च्य सिद्धिं विन्दति मानवः।।18.46।।

Meaning: By worshipping Him, from whom all beings come into being, and by whom the whole universe is pervaded, through the performance of his own natural duties, man attains the highest perfection.

(The above verses emphasize on ones inborn, natural duties. These are linked with our varna that is connected to our karma. Kindly read more on varna here.)

Taking the name of Rama or Shiva gives the same fruit of chanting vedic mantras by those who are authorized in them. Hence, there is no need to be obstinate to chant the restricted vedic mantras alone (if one is not authorized in chanting them).

If we are seeking the helpful fruit of mantra chanting in the form of spiritual elevation, purification etc, we must know it is available to us provided we chant what we are authorized in, as per the shastras. The benefit women, shudras, antyaja, varnsankara get by chanting name of Bhagavan, and mantras that are allowed, is the same as the benefit those with sacred thread get by chanting vedic mantras. Thus, the restriction must not cause distress.

If we wish to attain the fruit of mantras as mentioned in the shastras then we must follow the method and authority prescribed to attain it too. The effort cannot be selective or mixed up.

There are several mantras that maybe chanted by all and do not have the above mentioned restrictions.

For example, the essence of Rama naam is the same as the meaning of Aum. The word ‘Rama’ contains the seed of fire (Agni), sun (Surya), moon (Chandra), as R-A-M. As per the Upanishads, both are Taraka Brahma (that which can free us from the cycle of birth and death).

Practical explanation

If viewed from a practical view point, even if communists were to begin to rule, everyone will not have authority for everything. It is not possible.

For example, the rights enjoyed by the PM of Russia or China, do not apply to the common citizen. It may sound wonderful that all will be authorised for everything but if we try to implement this, there will be a total state of chaos.

Similarly, our shastras have rules and regulations to maintain balance and harmony, ensuring that all flourish. Restrictions are not based on biases and are not meant to deprive people from attaining Bhagavan.

Scientific explanation

In the material world, there are rules (do’s and don’ts) to follow for the use of electricity, as given by experts. These rules are created after studying and understanding the nature of electricity. The idea is that people benefit from electricity and are not harmed (remain safe).

The intention of experts of putting such rules is to offer people the maximum benefit of something, and at the same time, protecting them from harm.

Similarly, the do’s and don’ts (vidhi-nishedha) mentioned in the vedas and shastras are not based on likes or dislikes, emotionality, or lack of discernment. The reason for them is to provide us with maximum benefit while protecting us from potential damage.

If we wish for fruit as it is mentioned in the shastras (spiritual growth, peace, etc), then we must follow the methods given in shastras and operate within the limits of the authority they mention.

When no one has been deprived of fruit, then one must follow the restrictions given as the guidance to bless oneself.

The challenge today

These days the difficulty is that people have faith in the Constitution of India alone but wish for fruit as per shastras. This confusion is driving people towards madness. We must save ourselves from such a trend.

Many so called ‘great’ people have done such “reforms” to the shastras, that bring dangers to the sadhakas. They follow the concept of everyone having authority in every aspect (including in the chanting of mantras). These great persons have used ‘chhal’ – which means that something looks like dharma but it’s actually is not dharma. Upma chhal or hypocrisy, which is also a form of adharma, has also been used. (Read more: Recognizing Adharma)

Some have even said that since Aum means “yes” and so there is no need to consider it as a veda mantra, and all can chant it. Other great men have said since we are just doing it in our mind, there will be no harm and one must only refrain from chanting Aum aloud. Several types of such lies and nonsense has been propagated. These ways are dangerous for these gurus/guides, as well as for their followers.

It is simple – if we wish for fruit of mantra japa as per shastras, then we must follow the rules around them too.

If we wrongly think that restrictions mentioned in shastras are based on likes-dislikes, etc, then why have any faith in them at all?

Why have any faith in Rama naam, why not do the japa of names of politicians or something else, for example?

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