January 22, 2025
All posts in this series
- Life Guidance through Niti Chalisa
- Key to Happiness
- Seeking Fulfilment
- Greatness of Acharyas & The Purusharthas
- Road to Abundance
- Value of Time
- Free Yourself from Rina
- Cow Slaughter Is Prohibited
- Steps Towards Moksha
- Dharmic Distribution of Wealth
- Development – The Hindu Way
- Source of Great Punyas
- Five Important J’s
- Preserving the Virtuous
- Protect Cows & Bless Yourself
- Cows as Integral Part of Yajnas
- Importance of Rinamukti
- Dharma-Artha Equation
- No Sukha Without Dharma
सुखार्थाः सर्वभूतानां मताः सर्वाः प्रवृत्तयः । सुखं च न विना धर्मात् तस्माद्धर्मपरी भवेत् ।।
(अष्टाङ्गहृदयसूत्र २.२०)
“सब प्राणियोंकी सब प्रवृत्तियाँ सुखके लिये होती हैं। सुख बिना धर्मके नहीं होता, अतः धर्मपरायण होना चाहिये ।।”
As per this verse from ashtangahridayasutra all the tendencies of all living beings are for happiness or sukha. Happiness does not exist without dharma, hence one should be dharmic.
Dharma provides a sense of purpose, moral clarity, and self-respect, while also fostering harmonious relationships, personal growth, reduced stress and anxiety.
Clear conscience and control over the senses, contentment are yet another advantage of properly following dharma.
Saṁskr̥t words in context:
(1)Pravitti – tendency