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Despite so many efforts to empower women through education, work etc, they are not safe today. The rise of rapes and other crimes against women is a bitter reality. Why is it so?
To protect the modesty of women in society, we need to form individuals and families that function on the basis of the principles of Sanatana dharma. We have fought two world wars against those who attempted to harm the dignity of our Devis.
Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji says that it is impossible to protect women without following principles and values of Sanatana dharma.
Protection Offered to Women in Sanatana Tradition
“Matri devo bhava” is our principle. We address Bhagavan also as Mata first as “Tvameva mata”. Amongst the 10 Mahavidyas – the Vidyas (in the form of Devi) are worshipped as a young girl, a married women as well as a widow. During Navaratri, Karpatriji Mahabhag worshiped kumari kanyas himself. Matri shakti has been given such a right that they can birth Bhagavan in the form of a son or Bhagavati in the form of Radhaji or Sitaji. She is the one to give birth to great seers and sages, rishis and siddhas.
You may read more on the position of women in Sanatana dharma here.
Manusmriti says that even when ones own wife is cooking food, she has to be viewed as a mother. If one views her as a wife when she is preparing food, the food would not nourish properly. Then, if a wife gives birth to a son or daughter, it most be understood that she now holds the exalted position of a mother.
Waging World-Wars to Protect Modesty of Women
There are two major examples from our itihasas when war was undertaken to protect women – when Ravan tried to destroy the modesty of Bhagavati Sitaji, we wiped him out. In the same way, Draupadi Devi was harmed by the devars of the house, then Bhagavan Krishna and Veda Vyas ji etc instructed to destroy them. This is what our culture says.
Draupadi Devi said that she will not tie her hair till it is washed with the blood of the Kauravas. Bhagavan Sri Krishna was on his way to mediate the talks between the Kauravas and the Pandavas to avoid potential war. She told Sri Krishna that if the Pandavas are sending him as a peacemaker to the Kauravas, then what will happen to her open hair and vow. She warned Sri Krishna that if He considers preventing war, the five sons who are born from her womb will be made soldiers and the son of Subhadra, Abhimanyu, shall lead them as chief. The decision of peace by Him or the Pandavas, shall not be accepted and with the help of these six warriors, she shall declare war and destroy them. Sri Krishna responded that He shall try for peace but at the same time assured Draupadi Devi that her hair will be washed with the blood of Dushhsasan. Bhagavan Sri Krishna said it is His duty to ensure that her vow is fulfilled.
Marrying as per Tradition
In our tradition gotra and varna was taken care of. People were to marry within their varnas. Jagadguru shares an interesting story – Rishis lived in the forest. Raja Dushyant visited them with fruits and other offerings. There was a beautiful girl playing outside their hut. Dushyant was attracted to her and wished that she would be his wife. However, he wondered how he was drawn to her since being a kshatriya his natural attraction would not be towards a brahmin woman at all. This convinced him that she is not a brahmin. On investigating, he discovered that the girl was the daughter of the kshatriya Vishwamitra and Menaka. Thus, the traditions of marriage in Sanatana dharma are very carefully designed. This protected the modesty of women and maintained a healthy society.
Value of Motherhood
Traditionally, the health and modesty of women has been given utmost importance since it is only women who can conceive and pass on the right samskaras to their offspring. The father may or may not influence us but it is a matter of psychology that a mother will certainly influence a child. As per the Mahabharata, the mother is the earth and father is the seed. If both are in good condition, they birth a divine child. There are some stories from our puranas to demonstrate this (read here).
Women as Precious Jewels
Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji states an example to explain the reason for protecting the modesty of women – Vegetables are sold openly on a footpath. In the jewellers shop, precious diamonds are kept in a locked safe. Is it in respect for the diamond or disrespect? We can sell vegetables like that but not valuable jewels. Women are like jewels. To protect the modesty of a woman is to protect the universe.
Be it Bhakta Prahlad, Shankaracharya, or the avataras of Devi and Davatas, all are born from the womb of a woman. Women who follow Sanatana dharma have a blessing that they can give birth Bhagavan and Bhagavati. Jains and Buddhist do not believe in Bhagavan, they don’t have such fortune and neither do Arya samajis since they do not believe in avataras.
Women as Objects of Lust : The Current Scenario in Modern Secular India
Sanatana dharma is not followed in current society. This is the reason why we see women being dishonoured and their modesty is not protected despite efforts of educating women and making them financially independent.
Today, women are being viewed just as source of bringing wealth and satisfying lust as is portrayed through all types of mediums like newspapers, movies, etc. With the revealing of bodies, people are drawn to her physical form leading to uncontrolled imagination and arousal. This is the gift of modern society. Such is the disrespect being endured by women-folk.
It is immense perversion to think of women as a source of wealth and lust. The mobile and television are now centres of polluted mentality. There are provocative images of women in novels and newspapers. This is something the readers are drawn to. At least one page is of the newspaper is dedicated to actors and actresses. Women are represented as objects of wealth and desire in independent Bharat in the name of “development”.
Musalman view of Women
When there were talks about triple talaq a very important person from the community (Jagadguru hints towards an authority figure in Islam), said that women must be respected in your culture (indicating towards Hindus) but for them(Musalmans) women are considered as objects of lust (bhog ki pitari). We never see women as “matri shakti” but as those who can give pleasure.
Influence of Macaulay
Macaulay brought class (classroom) and co-education, club and courts to destroy us. Relationships, wealth, love and modesty – all are destroyed by class, court and club. Now, in the current scenario is an explosion born out of the destruction of our traditions and viewing women as a an object of lust. People are drawn to such a destructive thinking and are turning wicked. By encouraging arousing representation of women, the society is also making money.
Communist View
The communist view is that one who commits to a woman or a man for life is as foolish as the one who walks with a water bottle hanging in his neck. It is surprising that the Supreme Court has declared that adultery by married women is not a crime and that homosexuality is acceptable. These declarations were made by a very high authority who is very religious and does a lot of bhajan etc. Dalai Lama also accepted this thing of homosexuality. In a country where such things are mentioned by Court, what would be our condition? This is a sacrifice of modesty and love.
Damaged Psychology & Social Evils
Thinking process of society has gone all wrong. The only solution is governance as per Sanatana dharma. Sati (chaste women) and satyavadi (truthful) are getting extinct. Family planning, aborting the girl child, dahej and such issues have been created by modern society. Calling a girl “beta” also destroys the psychology. The girl is insulted.
Encouraging Inter-Caste Marriage
Hindu girls are going everywhere, inter-caste marriage is encouraged by government. Someone said Hindus must be generous, implying that we must not retain the way of marriage (roti-beti), as is, traditionally. They do not know that in the name of generosity this is animal behaviour or even worse.
Solution for Hindus
The current scenario, as elaborated above, states some of the reasons why the safety of women is not taken care of in modern India. The way forward would be cleared once we have a system of governance that is aligned with principles of Sanatana dharma. Without that, things would remain difficult.