Tulasi Vanam
।।श्री हरि।।
~श्री गणेशाय नमः~
||श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः||

We are a few Hindus pursuing this humble initiative as part of our personal seva, under the inspiration of our revered guru, Jagadguru Shankaracharya Svami Nischalananda Sarasvatiji Maharaj, Shankaracharya of Puri, Govardhan Math.

We have experienced uncountable blessings and transformations in our lives on coming in contact with Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji. Our ancient wisdom contains applicable solutions to so many struggles we face in these contemporary times. Gaining knowledge from the pure and distortion-free teachings of sanatana dharma though the unbroken ancient lineages of gurus is the discovery of the glorious path of dharma walked by our ancients. It can help us evolve spiritually, reduce our suffering, paving the path towards moksha.

May we all be empowered to protect our Hindu identity and existence, preserve our ancient civilisation and bring back the glory of Bharat, once again.

Through Tulasi Vanam we are directing our personal time, effort and resources to the best of our capacity, with the intention of benefiting ourselves and all others.

Our sincere wish is that all Hindus, regardless of backgrounds, beliefs, ideologies, sects, current situation, etc, benefit from this effort and the lives of many are illuminated. May all flourish.

For reasons of privacy and personal security we have chosen to keep our identity confidential. Hope our work speaks for itself and brings you great delight.

Kindly note that Tulasi Vanam is not an official representation or affiliated in any capacity with Govardhan Math or it’s projects.

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