Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 15 of 19 in the series Niti Chalisa

धारयन्ति प्रजाश्चैव पयसा हविषा तथा। यज्ञाङ्ग कथिता गावो यज्ञ एव च वासव। एताभिश्च विना यज्ञो न वर्तेत कथञ्चन ।। (महाभारत – अनुशासनपर्व ८३.१७).

“इन्द्र! गौओंको यज्ञका अङ्ग और साक्षात् यज्ञस्वरूप बताया गया है। इनके दूध, दही, घीके बिना यज्ञ किसी तरह सम्पन नहीं हो सकता।।”


Cows are said to be an integral part of yajna-s and also revered as the very personification or embodiment of yajna itself.

Milk, curd, ghee can not be obtained without them and no yajna can not be done without these materials.

Saṃskr̥t words in context : 

  1. Yajna(Yajña) – Sacrificial ritual
  2. Anga(Aṅga) – Part
  3. Sakshat(Sākṣāt) – Embodiment/Personification 


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