Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 6 of 19 in the series Niti Chalisa

यो हि कालो व्यतिक्रामेत् पुरुषं कालकाङ्क्षिणम्।
दुर्लभः स पुनस्तेन कालः कर्मचिकीर्षुणा।।
(महाभारत – शान्तिपर्व १०३.२१)

“समय की प्रतीक्षा करने वाले पुरुष के लिए जो युक्त अवसर आकर भी चला जाता है, वह अभीष्ट कार्य करने की इच्छा वाले उस पुरुष के लिए फिर दुर्लभ हो जाता है।।”

जिस कार्य की सिद्धि के लिए जो काल प्रशस्त है, उस काल में उस कार्य का सम्पादन अवश्य करें। काल पारखी कालज्ञ प्रमाद और आलस्य के वशीभूत होकर समय का सदुपयोग करने में न चूके। समय खिसकने पर पछताने से कुछ हाथ नहीं लगता। कार्य सिद्धि के लिए अपेक्षित योग पुनः कब सधेगा, यह कहा नहीं जा सकता यह ध्यान रखना भी अत्यावश्यक है कि जिस समय जो कार्य नहीं करना चाहिए, उस समय उसे करने पर विस्फोट सुनिश्चित है। उदाहरणार्थ प्रदोषकाल में दिति द्वारा पति देव कश्यप को संस्पर्श के लिए बाध्य करने के फलस्वरूप विश्व विघातक हिरण्यकशिपु तथा हिरण्याक्षका प्रादुर्भाव हुआ।

इस यान्त्रिक युग में प्रतिभा तथा प्रगति के नाम पर धर्म और मोक्षप्रद ईश्वर को विकास का परिपन्थी माना जाता है।

अतएव धर्म और मोक्ष नामक दो पुरुषार्थ का त्याग यान्त्रिक युग का विशेष उपहार है। मद्य, यूत, हिंसा आदि अनर्थप्रभव आर्थिक परियोजनाओं के फलस्वरूप अर्थ का पर्यवसान अनर्थ में परिलक्षित है । अतएव यान्त्रिकयुग में अर्थ नामक पुरुषार्थ का विलोप सुनिश्चित है।


For the man who waits for the good opportunity and time to come, time comes and passes by, and it later becomes rare for the man who wants to do the desired work again.

Time that is available for the accomplishment of any work must be used to accomplished it, within that time itself. A connoisseur of time does not fail to make good use of it despite being under the influence of carelessness and laziness. 

There is no point in regretting once time has passed away. It cannot be said when the required appropriate time (yoga) for accomplishment of work will be there, again. 

It is also essential to note that a destructive explosion is guaranteed when people start doing what should not be done at specified times. 

For example, Diti forced her husband Kashyapa to touch her at an inappropriate timing, resulting in the birth of evil demon brothers Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashapu

In the current age of machines, in the name of talent and progress, religion and moksha giving Ishvara, are considered to be the opposite of development. That is why the sacrifice of two pursuits, namely dharma and moksha, is a special gift of this mechanical age. The destruction of wealth as a result of economic projects which are not useful or rather harmful for humans as a whole, and alcohol, gambling, violence, etc. is reflected in misfortune.  

Therefore, in the mechanical age, the disappearance of the purushartha of wealth (artha) is certain. 

Time is a precious resource that we often take for granted. How we utilize it can significantly impact our lives, achievements, and overall well-being. 

In this note, we are exploring the significance of doing things at the right time and how it can shape our success and happiness. 

Most of us are accustomed to living life according to linear beliefs and patterns of  existence. We believe everything has a beginning, middle, and an end. But it’s known to us that Hinduism has little to do with the linear nature of history, the linear concept of time, or the linear pattern of life. Instead, Hindu-dharma offers a profound and multifaceted view of time that transcends the ordinary. 

We know time is a non-renewable resource. 

By recognizing the importance of doing things at the right time, we empower ourselves to make better choices, nurture relationships, and lead fulfilling lives. 

6 Advantages of efficient time management

  1. Seizing Opportunities 

Timing plays a crucial role in seizing opportunities. Life presents us with windows of  opportunity and recognizing them at the right moment can lead to significant breakthroughs.  

  1. Maximizing Efficiency 

Doing things at the right time enhances efficiency. Procrastination often leads to  unnecessary stress and wasted effort. When we tackle tasks promptly, we streamline our workflow, reduce mental clutter, and achieve more in less time. 

  1. Health and Well-Being 

Our bodies operate at natural rhythms. Eating at regular intervals, getting adequate sleep, and exercising consistently contribute to overall health. Ignoring these rhythms disrupts our well-being. 

  1. Avoiding Regret 

Regret often stems from missed opportunities or delayed actions. We all as humans go through this phenomenon at some point in time when we realize – “I could have done this”. By doing things at the right time, we minimize regret and create a life with fewer “what-ifs.” 

  1. Enhancing Productivity

Effective time management involves prioritizing tasks. By focusing on high-impact activities when our energy levels are optimal, we accomplish more.  

  1. Building Self-Respect 

Doing the right thing at the right time builds self-respect. When we honor commitments, meet deadlines, and treat others with kindness, we reinforce our integrity. Conversely, neglecting responsibilities erodes self-esteem.  


Sanskrit words in context: kāla – time,  yoga – right time.

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