Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 12 of 11 in the series Caste by Birth

There is much discussion on the reservation system in Bharat today. Owing to lack of knowledge and severing of our roots, it is easy for the politicians to divide Hindu society through their brutal policies and persistence of the divide and rule politics of the British to further their greed and power hungry agendas. Most Hindus are clueless about the traditional varnashrama system and attribute the caste related horrors we witness today to our traditional varna system which is being systematically destroyed.

In this piece we shall have a look at the ill’s of the reservation system in Bharat as derived through the discourses of Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji, as follows.

Harms of the current caste-based reservation system in Bharat – the five “P’s”:

  1. Pratibha ki haani – It is against the human excellence of those who get the reservation and those who don’t, both.
  2. Pragati ki haani – It harms the progress of the nation.
  3. Prayogik nahi – It is not applicable practically since the Central and State Governments do not have enough vacancies they wish to offer to the reserved category.
  4. Pratishodh ki bhavana – When a junior gets a senior position, and when someone incapable gets a position of capability, then instead of support and goodwill a feeling of vengeance is generated between individuals.
  5. Partantrata – The fifth point is the result of the above four. When these problems remain in a country for several years, destruction is inevitable. Then, foreign rule or dominance happens. The freedom of the country is over. Bharat has been broken into many parts internally.

Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji relates an incident where He graced an event where there were talks about reservation. Interestingly, the community that was hosting the event was eligible for reservations. However, they were talking about the problems that arise due to the reservation for them. The leaders of the beneficiary community spoke on how the reservation system is a curse on them and it must be discontinued by the government for the sake of their existence and dignity. The reason given by one carpenter community was that due to such a system the brahmin, kshatriya and vaishyas are taking up their traditional work of carpentry. The barber community said that all are doing their own grooming and because of this their livelihood is getting adversely impacted. Engineers (who are called vishvakarmas) expressed their work is being taken over by brahmin, kshatriyas and vaishyas. Then, it was told that the profession of nurses has been destroyed since brahmin, kshatriyas and vaishyas have also started entering this profession. The washermen were complaining that the brahmin “Sharma” dry cleaners have taken over their role.

Hearing the above Pujayapad Puri Shankaracharyaji was amazed. He had thought that people who were deprived of reservations would be sorrowful but here it was the beneficiaries who were suffering. This community gathering (the incidents of which are described above) was attended by Pujyapad roughly around 2009.

The conclusion is that all communities,  those who receive benefits of reservation and those who do not, are harmed with this system with the five points mentioned above.

Owing to the damages brought to Bharat by the reservation system, those with strong intellect are taken in by the foreign companies that operate in Bharat. Also, doctors and such professionals move to foreign countries since they are not able to build a good career here. The talent of Bharat is being sold to foreign countries. Is that not harmful?

However, even knowing the obvious harms, no government will change this since they are guided by greed and power and shall do anything to please their vote bank. This has made governance totally directionless.

What kind of reservation are we in favour of?

Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji says that we are in favour of the reservation which secures the livelihood of a person from the time of his birth itself. This is the sanatana varna system. In this system there is no struggle for a job. As per vedic principles, this is the healthy way of reservation. The problems of unemployment and breaking of the country are only a product of the secular reservation system.

Who sowed the seeds of reservation?

It was Gandhiji who planted the seeds for the reservation system. In his ashram, brahmins were given the work of sweepers and sweepers were given the job to cook. This was a strategy of the British that was implemented in the ashram of Gandhiji first and then started taking root through V.P.Singh and the Mandal commission.

The politicians have destroyed the country with the reservation system and destruction of our traditional varna system. The result of this is that all our systems are handled by alternatives and hence totally weak – be it eduction, defence, services, agriculture, cow protection or trade and economics.

However, the wise voices of those communities who are the beneficiaries of reservation, are well aware on how it has only brought harm to their traditional professions and is destroying the country.

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