Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 7 of 11 in the series Caste by Birth

The origin of varṇa,  diversity of creation , exploring if varṇa can be determined by karma, adhikāra and karma, and our inherent qualities and exceptions (w.r.t. varṇa) have been elaborated upon in the first five parts of the series.

Varna is also mentioned in our traditional horoscopes. This often creates confusion since a person born in a particular varṇa may have another varṇa mentioned in the birth chart. The Shankaracharya of Puri clears the doubt around this.

If someone is born in a brahmana family but according to his horoscope, is shudra – ‘shudra’ refers to the time of his birth. The shudra bhava (or having the inclination of a shudra) is coming from the timing of birth. It will have its own consequences on the life of the individual and would create an obstacle in the expression of his brahmana qualities. However, his varṇa will still remain brahmana. This is according to jyotisha vidya.

Varṇas are expressed in time or kala as per tradition. Early in the morning is brahmamahurata, then there is the kshatriya time of the day, after that comes the time of vaishya, then after sunset, it is the shudra time.

The concept and classification into varṇas exists for place, time, thing and person. We have already been through the varṇa classification for persons and time. Various regions are also similarly classified. The Brahmavarta region, is considered the best place in Bharata. Even soil is classified as per varṇa. Where the soil is white brahmanas flourish, kshatriyas flourish in red soil, yellow soil is good for viashyas, and black and gravel-like soil excellent for shudras to flourish in. By seeing the colour of the soil in a region we can make a an estimation of the general nature of the people there. Gem stones are also classified according to varnas.

So, the classification into varṇas is not limited just to human society. 

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