Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 6 of 11 in the series Caste by Birth

After learning about the origin of varna, understanding the diversity of creation and, exploring if varna, we will now go through the topic of authourity (adhikara) and duty/obligation (kartavya).

The Shankaracharya of Puri (Maharajaji), gives the answer to the question – Is authority (adhikara) determined first, or duty/obligation (kartavya)?

To understand this, Maharajaji shares an example –  If there is policeman, only he can act in a certain way. He alone has the authority to do his role. If we stand at a crossing and wave our hands we will be considered mad. However, if a traffic policeman does so, he will be obeyed. If there is a swayamsevak (volunteer), for a short time he will be authorised to do so. Our duties and actions are determined within the limits of our adhikara or authority.

In the same way, our role/authority also determines rewards and punishments. If a policeman commits a crime by siding with thieves, his punishment would be decided according to the act and his position. This is how punishments in society are decided as well.

Our afterlife is also decided on the basis of our position and karmas. We cannot even determine who shall be punished or rewarded, if we do not accept this. If a brahmana, for example, becomes a drunkard or a gambler, he will receive punishment. And, if he does karmas that are appropriate to what a brahmana should do, then he will get svarga.

Also, if we agree that all women are women by birth and all men are men by birth, then there has to be some way to determine who is a mother, father, etc. If we accept that differences exist from the time of birth, then only can we consider differences in varna, and gotra, and marriages can happen accordingly.

Hence, the authority or position of a brahmana, kshatriya, vaishya, shudra, antyaja, varnasankar (those who are born out of inter-caste-marriage of parents) are determined by birth itself. This determines the assigned duty/obligation (kartavya) and karma. And based on this, our svadharma or individual specific dharma is determined.

Did you know that if a sweeper does his job dutifully, considering it to be his dharma, he gets the same result (phala) that a pujari gets when he worships Bhagavan?

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