Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Women in Sanatana Dharma

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Today, we see many spiritual guides and cults promote the performance of havan and chanting of vedic mantras amongst women. This is a harmful deviation from the traditional ways of Sanatana dharma and is not aligned with the teachings of shastras. Ironically, even some claiming to follow Bhagavadpad Adi Shankaracharyaji may indulge in such erroneous practices. Below, we shall take a closer look at the traditional way via the discourses of Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji.

Who is authorized in vedic rituals, mantra and study?

Brahmins, kshatriyas and vaishyas are authorized in mantrika Shrout-Smarta yajnas. The sacred thread or yajnopavit is needed for this. It gives authority to perform vedic rituals, study and chant vedas and chant vedic mantras.

Do women wear sacred thread? Under what condition may women participate in yajnas?

Women who are born in these varnas (brahmins, kshatriyas & vaishyas) are not required to wear a sacred thread and may participate in the yajnas only with their husbands who have it. Without the participation of the wife or dharma patni, a yajna is not considered successful. Women have the right to listen to veda mantras only during the time of the rituals and along with husbands. Women (other than when they are participating in rituals as belonging to dvija families) are not authorized in direct study or chanting of vedas, performance of yajnas and havans.

Woman may perform amantrika yajna (where vedic mantras are not used). Performing yajnas and havans with vedic mantras would have an explosive effect and result in loss of mental balance and destruction of health (including reproductive system).

Vedic mantras

In the same way, they are not supposed to chant Om, and vedic mantras like the Gayatri mantra and Mahamritunjaya mantra. The details on this maybe read here.

This does not mean women or men who do not have sacred thread cannot get the fruit of chanting the Gayatri mantra or spiritual elevation. There are alternative mantras that maybe chanted by women for the same fruit as Gayatri mantra.

Even beej mantras that are not vedic must be chanted with caution and after initiation by a Guru for both men and women. We must remember that what can heal can also harm and and mantras must not be used inappropriately.

Women can study the meaning of vedas & gain Brahma Vidya

There is no restriction in understanding the meaning of vedas which are the embodiment of Brahma Vidya. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad itself describes the dialogue between Gargi and Yajnavalkyaji. The discourse on atmavidya or knowledge of Supreme given by Yajnavalkyaji to his wife Maitreyi is also elaborated. Sulabha, a princess in the Mahabharata also had knowledge of Brahma vidya. Gargi had this knowledge too, and Bhagavan Kapil gave this knowledge to his mother Devahuti. Thus, just because women are not authorized in yajnopavit, vedic mantras, etc does not mean that they do not have a way to attain vedic knowledge or moksha. There are other ways given for them which includes alternative mantras, study of kathas and puranas and performing duties as a woman. Women can attain moksha.

No one is deprived of fruit

Non-dvijas (those not having sacred thread, and this includes women) are not allowed to traditionally listen to the shrutis (Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmasutras). Puranas can be heard by all but recitation of Bhagavadgita and Puranas must not be done by everyone. The fruit of this can be gained by listening to these alone, by those who do not have the authority to chant.

This is not injustice, but this is for each one’s own welfare and the welfare of all. We must pay careful attention to what is to be followed and not followed, both. Our faith needs to be complete in the shastras.

Many think that women are prevented from gaining knowledge of the vedas. This is inaccurate since the kathas of the Puranas and Itihasas contain the rich essence of the teachings of the vedas. It is the women of the family who traditionally take their children to listen to discourses or kathas of the Puranas. Sanatana values that are derived from the vedas were passed on to the children in this method, in addition to rituals that are learnt from elders in the family.

The secrets of the vedas are contained in the Puranas. Veda Vyasaji made profound vedic wisdom available to us through kathas or stories of the Puranas.

Thus, it is to be noted that no varna or gender is prevented from learning. The methods prescribed vary alone. No one is deprived of the fruit either.

As per the 45-46 verses of the 18 chapter of Bhagavadgita, when we perform karmas as per tradition with reverence towards Bhagavan, we gain perfection and success. The fruit of karma and upasana is obtained.

No one is deprived of fruit of their action and at the same time everyone is not authorized for every task (since that will cause great commotion). All must follow restrictions with full faith in Vedic Arya Hindu Sanatana Dharma. For example, sannyasis have even more restrictions than women.

Here you can read about the reasons for various restrictions and rules given in shastras.

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