Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Gauraksha

Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji explains the perils related to cow protection or gauraksha in “independent Bharat”. This article has been created by referring to several discourses and interviews given by Him.

Horror unleashed on Gopashtami (1966)

On the 10th of November, 2016, Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji addressed the audience at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi in relation to politics and cow protection, at an event organised for this very purpose. He spoke, reflecting upon a horrific incident that occurred on the 7th of November, 1966, on the occasion of Gopashtami.

Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji (a young brahmachari then) had come walking, all the way from Badarinath, to be part of this program at Jantar Mantar. The Shankaracharya of Govardhan Math, Niranajdev Tirthji, the Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath, Krishnabodhashramji were present, along with Dharma Samrat Kartpatriji Maharaj, and Sri Prabhdutt Mahabhag Brahmachariji. The President of Bharat Sarva Samaj and Shri Sushil Kumar from Jain Samaj were present. Everyone waited for the Head of the RSS  to appear on the stage, but he was not seen anywhere. Being an important historical fact, this must be remembered.

The crowds at this peaceful protest were mercilessly shot at, tear bombs were used, and bullets were showered on everyone. The government statistics showed only 8 people died but in reality, more than 800 gaubhakts were killed.

That time the Home Minister was Sri Gulzari Lal Nanda. He was kept in the dark about this plan. The President of Congress was Kamraj. When the Delhi Police refused to lathi charge or open fire on the peaceful protestors, the Congress President ordered the Ardh Saink Bal from the south to carry out the above.

From Red Fort to Jantar Mantar, there were at least 1 million gaubhakts present in the crowd. This included women with their little babies, who came as far as from Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. No one imagined that tear gas and bullets will be used on them, and the stage itself was set to fire (inflammable material was already kept under the stage for this purpose). This was preplanned and immense cruelty was unleashed.

The remaining gaubhakts were jailed in Tihar, including Pujyapad, for 52 days. In jail, horror was unleashed and there was a plan to murder Dharma Samrat Karpatriji Maharaj. The job was given to murderer inmates. However, other sants tried to protect Him and only His eye was pierced with iron rods. The pain was excruciating, and in this pain, post puja, he left his body in samadhi.

These atrocities are post independence.

Prime Minister of butchers

Prior to independence, Morarji Desai said that once country is free, cow slaughter will be banned. Bharat received independence and later he also became the Prime Minister. Then the Shankaracharya of Govardhan Math, Jyotir Math and member of Ram Rajya Parishad met PM Morarji Desai and reminded him of his own words. However, PM Morarji Desai asked them to forget what he said earlier, and mentioned that now he is the PM of butchers too.

Gaurakshaks are goondas (goons)

Lately, the current PM said twice (Pujyapad has referred to PM Modi), within the span of three days, that in the name of gauraksha, goons are being trained and they attack those who indulge in cow smuggling. The Supreme Court too, seems to consider this view.

Pujyapad adds that He has seen the list of 300 gaubhakts (from the Hindi belt) who have been killed by the cow smugglers. In this list, 8 were also from the police force. This information has been hidden. While, gaubhakts get killed, they are only labelled as goons. He indicated that when the PM says such a thing, it leaves a big impact.

He has also related an incident that occurred several years ago. He was told by a lokayukta in confidence that the government office had given an illegal licence to about one thousand tradesmen whose vehicles were fully exempted from being checked (that time BJP was in power). With support of politicians, cow slaughter happens. Even the current CM (discourse from 2019) discussed the topic of cow protection with Pujyapad three times. He spoke of all this but how successful he is in protecting cows, is another matter. All political parties usually support cow-slaughter. Politicians are directionless.

Politician from Bengal

Pujyapad also mentioned that there is a devi from Bengal who spoke in support of cow slaughter. It was not a Christian or Muslim who said this. The lady is from a brahmin family. Four years back her party members also said that gauvansh is food of poor. We live in such a country. What would you do?

Following footsteps of Congress

There is no political party in this country that genuinely wants to protect the gauvansh. The government itself nourishes those who slaughter cows. Those who win election in the name of gauraksha also end up supporting those who slaughter cows. Congress has been infamous for all such injustice and destroying Bharat on lines of British. Systems were created by them in independent Bharat and all other parties are following just that.

Everyone is here for their vote bank and in the end, Hindu interest has to be sacrificed for this. In such a situation, how is one to protect cows?

Newton’s law

As per Newton’s law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So when a Hindu sees cow smuggling happen before his eyes, he knows that folding hands will not help him protect gauvansh. He is deeply pained emotionally. In this pain and anger, to change the situation, he ends up reacting by words or by raising his hand. When on a legal basis there is no way to protect cows, people get agitated and tend to react violently. Then they get called as goons/unruly elements.

If there is a ban on cow slaughter, then there will be no need to raise a loud voice for the protection of cows and there would be no instigation to react in an agitated fashion.

The Right thing to do

The right thing for the government to do, is to say that if after partition people who eat cows are living here (in Bharat), it is their responsibility to support the protection of our pure cows. Those who support cow slaughter are anti-national and are not worthy of living here.

If the above was said by (the PM) then gaurakshaks would have had the required support and confidence.

However, by calling them goons, the PM has broken the morale of the guarakshaks. Then how will cows be protected?

Need for Hindu Rashtra

No symbols of sanatana dharma including gauvansh can be protected till the idea of development and its implementation is done by a government that functions as per sanatanana dharma. Presently, the governments act against gauvansh and we here are trying to protect – which is an impossible situation. This way, only the seed or beej will be protected.

Bharat has had the tradition in which gaurakshaks are considered rashtra bhaktas. But presently, a Hindu is not even a first citizen of Bharat. The government is clever and influences emotional people very easily. We cannot do much till we have a government that is aligned with Hindu system.

We should make an effort that we get a constitution and government that is aligned with our culture.

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