Tulasi Vanam

Development is the creation of individuals and societies that are secure, educated, well-cultured, service-oriented, healthy, prosperous, and directed towards the well being of all. Food-clothing, housing, education, health, transportation, festivals, defence, service, law and marriage – following the methodology given by sanatana dharma to create and consume these would help mankind flourish. – Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharya

Since the goal of sanatana dharma is moksha, every aspect of life, as per tradition, is designed to help us attain this goal, as we fulfil our four purusharthas. This section gives us insights on the traditional social system through varnasharama dharma, the Hindu view on marriage, how a householder’s life must be, etc. It also throws light on the urgent need for Hindu rise to protect humane values as well as, our ancient glorious civilization. Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharya also shares methods required to create a healthy revolution that shall help us form a system of governance that functions on the basis of dharma, ensuring the welfare and flourishing of all.


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