Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 5 of 8 in the series Healthy Revolution: Actionable Guidelines

Even if we are walking on our path alone, one person can appear as many if he has strength. Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji refers to how rajas of the past had so much charisma, power and strength. Their brilliance was the reflection of their daily practice of pujas and rituals, and that of bhajan.

Do 75 minutes of Bhajan Daily

To gain strength and power we must do at least 75 min of bhajan (bhajan means, remembering Bhagavan or doing japa).

Dharma Samrat Karpatriji Maharaj explained Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji that the ancestors of Musalmans must have learnt the practice of praying 5 times a day from our ancestors.

This is the basic minimum we must do to proceed on our spiritual path and become capable of offering our efforts towards desh and dharma. Only then, can we receive the right direction.

Make a Resolution

  • With the intention of ones own benefit and the benefit of others, resolve to remember Bhagavan (do japa/bhajan) 5 times a day.
  • Each session must be of 15 min: When we eat food, it keeps us going for several hours. Imagine the nourishment we receive from something so elevated/sacred as doing bhajan.
  • When to do bhajan?
    1. At Brahmamahurat (before a bath do without mala).
    2. After a bath
    3. At noon
    4. At sunset
    5. Before sleeping

Such a resolution can be immensely purifying and life transforming for us and can help us utilize our lives to benefit ourselves and others, swiftly moving us in the right direction in our efforts towards Hindu Rashtra.

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