Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 3 of 8 in the series Healthy Revolution: Actionable Guidelines

Mathas and mandirs must be made centres of education, defence, culture, service, dharma & moksha. 

Mathas and mandirs are the appropriate centres for creating a healthy revolution. Educational institutes, schools and colleges creates a psychology against sanatana dharma. Homes cannot be the centre of this work either since commonly the teachings that are given in families are only limited to earning money.

One Rupee, One Hour

To implement svasth kranti in mathas and mandirs, we must start the program of “One rupee, One hour”.

What is to be done?

Hold meetings with other Hindus there, not with the idea of struggling or favouring someone, but instead, look into the issues faced by your locality.

How to work?

1. Create a list of what all needs to be addressed, locally. Defence, food related, health, clothing, transportation, marriages, legal issues, festivals, taking care of cows – such kind of things are addressed in a locality.

2. One can ask every Hindu family to involve themselves by giving one hour and one rupee, daily. Sometimes, we may also have a Muslim family of our locality who is for humane values, participating. Even if there is a family who cannot afford to give one rupee, it can be managed. Even where joint families have broken, there are usually at least five members in the family to contribute some time.

3. With this time and money, make full effort to strengthen your region by making it well-cultured, well-educated, secure, and self-sustainable.

4. Hindus must prove to be useful. When we take care of people in times of trouble, and help them become independent, we are accepted as their own. We must utilise our life to benefit everyone. Let us try to make people independent.

5. Effort must be made to impart the correct eduction on sanatana dharma. We must empower all with the right knowledge on topics like varnashrama dharma that are often misused by others to break Hindu society. We will see how this can do wonders and would be much appreciated, particularly by the shudras, antyaja etc, who have been misdirected in the name of caste. Knowledge must be imparted as per what is shared exactly by Pujayapad and expressed in a careful and accurate way.

Result of efforts

Mathas and mandirs must be made centres of auspiciousness, service, love and regard, and good conduct.

Pujyapad Puri Shakaracharyaji, as a youth, was deeply involved in resolving community related issues like cleanliness, maintenance of local temples, helping people get financially independent by use of charkhas, etc. So this is work where He has had direct experience.

80% of our problems can be resolved through the suggested method and would create a strong Hindu community. The rest, of course, will be in the governments hands but this way, much can be done by the community itself. Automatically, we will gain government support too, when our good work is seen. Local support would be certainly available to us, for leading others in a dharmic way.

If we have the possibility of starting this activity, we must also pay attention to the correct attitude needed for the same.

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