Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Marriage

While the matching of horoscopes has its own importance, aspects like gotra and age must take priority when going through the process of match-making, explains Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji (Maharajaji), referring to current context.

Mostly it is the parents who go through the process of matching the horoscopes for the purpose of marriage. Nowadays, it is not uncommon that the couple decides to get married by themselves without such considerations.

Maharajaji gives the example of a man who went on attempting to match his sons horoscope for the perfect match. Many years went by. The son, who is in the army, turned 45 in the process. No appropriate match was found over the years and now, the son does not wish to marry.

The main thing is that the gotra has to be considered and then, additionally, the horoscopes can be checked and applied as far as it is feasible.

Checking the gotra (family lineage) is of immense importance to avoid the mixing of varṇas or castes (which exists in the tradition of foreigners). Such a practice must not come to Bharata.

One must note that the relevance of marriage is at a particular age. There are women who are of 40-45 years, and are still not married. Ideally, by that age, if not grandchildren, they must have children at least.

He suggests we must read the biography of Sri Adi Shankaracharyaji . The topic of Mandana Misraji’s marriage has been elaborated in that. Everything must be done at the right time. Now marriageable age is already 18 years.

Additionally, by the time the marriageable age is attained, more than horoscope matching, people are interested in matching dowry requirements. By the time dowry and horoscopes are matched as desired, the age of 32-35 years is reached. At such an age a marriage does not remain a marriage.

Therefore, checking the correct gotra is of utmost importance. No matter how many horoscopes you match, you will have to marry where you are meant to on the basis of your relation made in the previous life. That is unavoidable. While matching horoscopes has its own relevance, the age of marriage and the gotra are the most crucial aspects to be considered.

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