Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Marriage

The Shankaracharya of Puri gives a very practical view on how, in the name of liberality, the institution of marriage and family system is being totally distorted.

Discarding of dharmika traditional practices and the progression of this liberal attitude can be clearly seen by us today. The recent most example being that of  ‘same-sex marriage’ being discussed in our courts.

The Liberal Perspective on Marriage

In an imaginary world if vedic sanction were to be given to inter-caste* marriage (marriage between different varnas) in the name of liberality, what would the outcome be?

Will the process stop here or would this liberality keep progressing further?

Let us imagine that inter-caste marriages are accepted by social, cultural and administrative institutions, and start happening without any hesitation.

In that case, the next generation would find it very narrow minded not to allow inter-religious marriages with Christians, Muslims, Parisis, stating that this too, like caste, is a separation between human beings. Such divisions between different religions shall be viewed as a blot on society.

In such a situation, for example, on what basis would you claim to be Hindu if your wife is Christian or your daughter goes to a Christian home after marriage?

Next would be the justifying of same-sex marriage, since both men and women are made of five physical elements. This is happening in some parts of the world. Even Honourable Dalai Lamaji has granted recognition to this. So can a family lineage be continued in same-sex marriage?

Marriage amongst all humans irrespective of caste, religion, and gender will ultimately proceed to marriage amongst different species.

Would this be a downfall of mankind in the name of liberality or would it be some kind of progression?



*Note – The English word “caste” (derived from Portuguese word “casta”) has been used interchangeably to represent the term “varna/jāti” which belongs to traditional system of the Hindu society.


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