FAQs on Mantra Diksha

mantra diksha

Clearing common doubts

Putting down some common questions pertaining to the Mantra Diksha given by Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji during his yatras.

Q. Why must I take mantra diksha from a Guru?

A. Listen (English Subtitles) –

Q. Is there a need for a Guru? What if I already have diksha once or practice some type of meditation but feel Puri Shankaracharyaji must be my Guru now?

A. If you have had another Guru in the past who does not fit the criteria as suggested via traditional teachings of Santana dharma, it is fine. You may move on, without worry/fears. Read this series on need for a living Guru and the kind of Guru one must seek for ones evolution: Guru Series

Q. Do I need any special contacts to receive mantra diksha or will I be given any preference due to this?

A. There is no such thing. If you know someone, that is for your comfort and wonderful. However, no special contacts are required to get diksha. Just go to the venue where darshan and diksha is taking place.

Q. What is the requirement I have to fulfil to get diksha (at the venue where it will be given)?

A. As per tradition, men need to wear dhoti/mundu and women need to wear sari for diksha. Else, mantra diksha would not be given to you.

Q. Do I have to give a fee for mantra diksha?

A. No. Such commercial activity does not exist. However, as per Hindu tradition, each person expresses their own gratitude for darshan and diksha by making an offering as per individual capacity (at Narayan Paduka present at venue). Also, people bring fruit, sweets, coconut, banana, vastra, dakshina and other auspicious items that we offer to Gurus, as per ones shraddha. These are often distributed to all as prasad.

Q. What kind of mantra is given?

A. You will receive mantra diksha of your Ishta Devi or Devata (you will be asked who your Ishta is before you get diksha). Do not know who your Ishta is? Find out Here.

Q. Do I have to be vegetarian or have a traditional Hindu or conservative lifestyle to receive mantra diksha?

A. There is no such pre-requisite for mantra diksha. Being vegetarian is recommended in general but each person has his own journey and success/failures in achieving the ideal.

Q. Do I have to be a brahman or dwija to get mantra diksha?

A. No. Mantra diksha is given to people of all varnas/castes by Pujyapad. Even if you are varnasankar or not part of any varna, you are eligible for mantra diksha.

Q. Do I have to be intellectually convinced of each and every traditional Hindu teaching to get mantra diksha?

A. No such thing. Learning is a life long process and goes over janmas too. Once you get diksha, you can continue to explore teachings and discourses, taking your own time for seeking your answers.

Q. What if I have done unacceptable and unmentionable sins in past, as a Hindu (which would make me not “Hindu”)?

A. These questions of your personal life are not asked by anyone. In fact, if you feel this way, you must take diksha for sure, to help you on your journey of self-purification, healing and spiritual elevation. There is no stealing of fruit in sanatana dharma, so without more delay, commence on the right path and take blessings.

Q. After taking mantra diksha, what is my obligation?

A. Summary of what is explained by Pujyapad: If you want to gain maximum from the Guru – do not try to be overfamiliar or come too close to the guru, and do not keep too much distance either. Be respectful and loving to those who serve the Guru. Without crossing boundaries be loving, modest, disciplined, show satisfaction and faith – take guidance of Guru. Show up for darshan when possible. Do your dharmic practice/japa and studies as per the Gurus guidance.


Q. Will taking diksha mean I am part of some sect?

A. You will identify as a Vedic Arya Sanatani Hindu. The philosophy of the traditional lineage is that of Advaita Vedanta (Smartha sampradaya or sect). All 5 Devatas (Surya, Vishnu, Shiva, Bhagavati, Ganapati) and their forms are worshipped. Your Ishta maybe one of these or their avatar.

Hope the above is helpful to all. May we fearlessly embark on our journey of seeking and connecting with our grand traditional roots by taking diksha from Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji.


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