Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series About Hindu Rashtra

Today, we can observe much talk about Hindu Rashtra. However, we must think how the word “Hindu” is being used, urges Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji.

He explains that after deep analysis one can conclude that it is the strategies of the British only that are operating and manifesting themselves under the label “Hindu” today.

Nepal was a Hindu rashtra 10-12 years ago but with foul means this was changed. However, if one visits Nepal, one does not realise that Nepal was a Hindu Rashtra just a few years back. The kind of dressing etc, done by women there is such that even a foreigner shall be embarrassed (indicating loss of Hindu tradition). Christian and Buddhists there are also very alert and aware of this. There are several conspiracies. Just the name “Hindu Rashtra” would not suffice.

Those who call themselves Hindus are today, removing the basis of being Hindu by supporting varnasankarta (mixing of varnas) and karmasankarta (mixing of karmas). (These are the grave concerns that Arjuna raised before Bhagavan Krishna in the Bhagavadgita).

The thought process of the common people is aligned with modern values and not shastras. The main ideals of sanatana dharma are being destroyed by many “Hindu” organisations themselves. They are going against the ideals of Bhagavan Rama too. Just calling ourselves Hindus will not help, we need genuine governance that is aligned with Hindu principles.

Those who do not like vedas and shastras, or lack knowledge, are giving decisions in matters of religion. Our sacred observances like the kumbh have been named differently. For example, the ardha kumbh of Prayag has been turned into the kumbh. Even our great Rishis did not have the courage to alter the guidance of vedas and shastras as politicians do today. Our mathas and mandir are occupied by government and made secular as well. This is the situation today.

In the view of the government, there is no utility of our traditional dharma gurus. They wish to make decisions on all matters of dharma.

Just by using the label “Hindu”, a country will not become truly Hindu. One needs study of dharma, understand the implications, and follow a tradition. Then only can it be genuinely called dharma.

The goal of many (claiming to make a Hindu rashtra) would be great but how much do they know about dharma?

Half-information is dangerous. Many talking about Hindu rashtra first need to learn what Hindu means.

Do you know the meaning of “Hindu”? Find out here.

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