Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series About The Healthy Revolution: Svasth Kranti

The breath of the Supreme is embodied in the vedas. Sachhidananda Sarveshvar created the elements – earth, water, fire, air and space based on vedic science, explains Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji. With the intention of giving an opportunity to the jivas (individual souls) for enjoyment and attaining moksha, He undertook the task of creation. That Sachhidananda Sarveshvar is perpetually engaged in the science of creation, preservation, destruction, regulating, controlling and blessing (expressed as the 5 Devatas).

No matter how advanced our technologies are today, with the inventions of rockets, computers, atom bombs and mobiles, etc, has the utility of earth come to an end for us?

Is there no need for water anymore?

Do we not need fire in the current times of scientific inventions? Has the need for air and space ended?

Is there no use of living beings anymore?

The most ancient is wealth is that of Jagadishwara or The Supreme Truth. Do we not require that anymore?

The need for all the above are eternal and thus, it is only the eternal dharma and its principles that can sustain us and facilitate our evolution. “Sanatana” means that which is proved to be useful at every time, place and for everyone. That which is never destroyed or lost.

In the fourth canto, 18 chapter, of The Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhu Devi, in the form of Gaumata, approached Raja Prithu and said:

Rajan, even if someone desires only worldly benefits, it is for his own good that he must follow the time-tested methods given by Vedic Maharishis.

We (Hindus) are well recognized for all our principles and methodologies to facilitate our flourishing in this world, after-world and towards moksha. Thus, sanatana principles cannot be misdirected or destroyed by any person or community/organisation.

Based on the above, we can say that this healthy revolution is scientific and is needed to fulfil the obvious and natural needs of humanity. We can see how not following sanatana principles, in the very name of development, man is exploiting nature and paving a path towards annihilation. Svasth kranti alone can bring an end to this madness creating fulfilment at an individual and universal level.

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