Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series Healthy Revolution: Actionable Guidelines

A healthy revolution begins at the level of thought. It has to bring about a shift and transformation in our thinking and align it with the principles of sanatana dharma. This becomes very challenging in current times since much traditional knowledge that was gained at home itself has been lost.

In contemporary times, we are unable to derive the right education from our homes and educational institutes. We are aware on how the eduction system is not even remotely aligned with dharma and instead produces minds that are shaped to oppose sanatana dharma.

In homes, even the older generation has lost traditional knowledge that was earlier preserved through the family. Earlier, through simple stories of Puranas, profound vedic knowledge was passed on to children at a tender age. The most secretive knowledge of vedas reached us through the stories via the efforts of Veda Vyasaji. However,  the practice of listening to kathas or discourses has also gone extinct. If parents and grandparents are not exposed to the knowledge there is no way to pass it on to the younger generation. The right samskaras and culture is not available in homes anymore.

There is much time spent one watching sports, television soaps and web-series today. Plus, many are fully engaged with entertaining content on their phones.

In such a situation, there has to be a way to create a revival of sanatana values in homes. This can be done by making every home a “Gurukul”.

How can you make your home a gurukul?

Below are the steps to follow to bring back the light of Hindu wisdom to your homes:

  1. Select a few simple videos of the discourses of Pujayapad Puri Shankaracharyaji and watch them together with the family.
  2. It is important to sit together and watch so that there is an opportunity for children, youth, adults and the elders to learn. Also, everyone shall be able to engage in discussions at the end of the session.
  3. This may be done every night before sleeping, when all are free. Only half an hour or 40 minutes are needed.
  4. Initially, simple videos can be selected and as time progresses and you get accustomed to understanding, more complex ones can be heard.

The above must certainly be done by all those who follow Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji, and particularly those who have taken mantra diksha.

This would be the good use of modern technology and would empower our whole family with the right guidance and knowledge. Our homes can become great learning centres and we can imbibe the powerful samskaras of sanatana dharma. We can apply the same in mathas and mandirs too.

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