Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series Healthy Revolution: Actionable Guidelines

Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji rightly points out that these days there is a lack of dialogue/engagement amongst people, or “samvaad”. Such a lack is evident in personal life, in relation to one’s family and within society. There no dialogue within the country and neither is there any between and political parties. Samvaad is missing.

Some of us might be very introverted or maybe in life situations where we do not have the opportunity to engage with people on a daily basis, other than work/studies. Also, we maybe living away from our family. Yet, some of us maybe unaware on where to start our conversations in relation to desh and dharma in particular, as well.

Daily Practice Suggested

  • Take out about 24 minutes a day for samvaad in a day.
  • As part of these 24min, have a conversation with Bhagavan for about 10-12 min and the rest of the time with yourself.
  • This can be done in the form of diary writing.

The concept is derived from the Vinay Patrika in which Goswami Tulasidasji engages in conversations with Bhagavan, and with himself.

Vinay Patrika is available at Gita Press.

How to go about the practice?

Conversing with Bhagavan

With a feeling prayerfulness and reverence towards Bhagavan, engage with Him.

Example: You, Bhagavan are the compassionate One who has mercy on all. I am a part of You, who is everything. You are the giver of all I have. I am a child you are the One to take care of everything. I am the student you are the Svami… and so on. Ask Bhagavan to guide you.

Conversing with your own mind

Talk to your mind as your own Guru. Then, consider the mind as the one you are taking care of and share your wisdom. Guide your mind as your own Svami, friend and parent. As you take these different roles, uplift your mind with correct direction.

Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji assures us that starting this process will help pave the path forward in our life.

This practice can indeed give us deep insights, help us resolve our issues and become more aware of our thoughts and tendencies, as well as reveal the inner wisdom present in us to guide us further.

Dialogue within our family

We must take out time to spend with our family. We can do the sankirtan of the name of Bhagavan, Hanuman chalisa, etc, together. We could also have reading sessions of books related to dharma. Most importantly, we can create a gurukul within our homes and re-ignite the spirit of sanatana dharma and its samskaras in our family.

It is important for us enquire about each others well-being and clear misunderstandings, if any. If we have made some mistake, we must not hesitate to accept and apologise for it. We must try to bring-up children in a healthy fashion, setting a good example before them and engaging them in household chores. This way, they shall not be spoilt and would become capable of facing the world.

A healthy family creates a healthy society.

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