Tulasi Vanam

Śrīmajjagadguru Śaṅkarācārya Svāmī Śrī Nischalananda Sarasvatījī Mahārāja, the Shankaracharya of Puri gave his view on the Uniform Civil Code (UCC).

In the interview (shared below), he explains how the UCC will be end up being a method to crush Hindus. No other community shall accept a system that is not in their favour. The implementation of the UCC shall be an act of moulding the behaviour and attitude of Hindus according to the Muslim, Christian and communist systems. He questioned if the Government proposes a system that shall be equally suitable to all four communities. Even if there is something small that is not favourable to Christian, Muslim or communist belief, they shall not accept the UCC. This implies, that in every way the UCC would be an effort to suppress Hindus.

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