Tulasi Vanam

As per the Bhagavadgita, there are four types of devotees or bhaktas.

चतुर्विधा भजन्ते मां जनाः सुकृतिनोऽर्जुन।
आर्तो जिज्ञासुरर्थार्थी ज्ञानी च भरतर्षभ।।7.16।।

Meaning: Four types of devotees of noble deeds worship Me, Arjuna, the seeker after worldly possessions, the afflicted, the seeker for knowledge, and the man of wisdom, O best of Bharatas.

  1. Arta: One who is seeking freedom from suffering and afflictions. Such bhaktas exclusively express their sorrows to Bhagavan.
  2. Artarthi: One looking for worldly gains, siddhis, etc. These bhaktas only spread their hands before Bhagavan, and no other.
  3. Jigyasu: One who prays to Bhagavan as intimate, and as he progresses, he develops the desire to know about Atman.
  4. Jnani: The wise and knowledgeable. The jnani is Atman Swaroop since he has recognized that Bhagavan is Atman. He does bhajan of Bhagavan as intimate to himself, as well as, as Atman or Brahman.

The arta and artarthi categories are of those devotees who are aware of the prabhav or powerful effect of Bhagavan.

Those who have knowledge of the svabhav or nature of bhagavan are jigyasu.

The jnani knows bhagavan as atmiya (intimate) and Atma (Supreme Truth). He has the knowledge of Parmatama tattva.

Bhagavan takes care of all these types of bhaktas.


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