Tulasi Vanam

We had an uplifting engagement on Padma Ekadashi, 2023. All of us listed some profound gifts and blessings that we receive on performing daily worship of Bhagavan (puja). The power of daily worship is immense.

Read these real experiences and get inspired to start the practice!

1. Feeling protected even in worst situations of life.
2. Increased sense of positivity.
3. Ability to overcome laziness.
4. Better focus and ability to strategise.
5. We are less impulsive.
6. Provides an anchor and disciplined daily routine.
7. Serves as a reminder to keep on dharmika path.
8. Helps sadhakas in course correction.
9. Develops an intimate connection with the Divine.
10. Inner peace and hope prevail.
11. Calms the mind.
12. Development of an attitude of devotion.
13. Sense of detachment.
14. Knowledge increases when we do daily worship along with listening to discourses of acharyas.
15. Clearing of mental clutter.
16. Increased concentration.
17. Guidance for each step we take, from the moment of waking up.
18. Being mindful of the sacredness of every aspect of daily living.
19. Feeling of love, desire to serve and sense of commitment rise in us.
20. Bhagavan becomes the beacon and ultimate saviour our life.

The above list reflects how empowering our traditions are. From psychological well-being, increased mental abilities that are crucial for success, instilling good values, preserving dharmic traditions, to connecting us deeply with the divine paving the path to Ishwara – daily puja is something we all must consider starting.

Contributors (Twitter handles): @Oasis_saga, @ImMCompan, @kaizenmoksh, @RayaraDasa, @CorporateWolfX, @Devasakha, @Shankarm108, @TheKindDoc, @Bhumiputra36.


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