Tulasi Vanam

What is Sanatana Dharma?


Sanatana dharma is the dharma that brings good health and divinity in our lives, and cultivates devotion towards Paramatma.

The relation between Sanatana Ishvara and sanatana dharma is like that of the establisher and that which can be established.

Varnashrama dharma is sanatana dharma. It is meant for the perfect utilization of the natural differences among individuals to establish the real image of the One, undivided Atma (Supreme Soul) that transcends all differences and is the essence of all.

The sanatana dharma of the great ones is to have the qualities of  generosity and charity and not to harm anybody with mind, speech or actions.

To establish harmony amongst all sects, doctrines, and belief, it is highly essential to agree with, implement and follow the ideology of sanatana dharma at a world-level.

The dharma which saves the being from downfall and makes the uplift possible in order to attain the state of Paramatma (Supreme Brahman) is sanatana dharma.

The dharma which has come forth from Sanatana Sarveshvara (Ultimate Truth) and is being saved by Sanatana Sarveshvara, and the dharma by which Sanatana Sarveshvara is attainable is Sanatana Dharma.

The flourishing of dharma is the flourishing of dharmic persons. The harm of dharma implies the harm of those who do not follow the path of dharma. That is why even in today’s modern age dharma is as relevant as before, thus, “eternal” or sanatana dharma.

The dharma which is instrumental in all kinds of development is sanatana dharma.

The dharma which contains everything, which is basis of everything, and which liberates everything is sanatana dharma.

The dharma that offers us the science and knowledge for attainting freedom from all sorrows and deathlessness by becoming one with Supreme Consciousness is sanatana dharma.

The dharma we receive from the vedas, which are the breath of the sanatana Paramatma; and the shastras that are based on the vedas, taking the support of which the jivatama or individual soul can recognize its original form (Brahman or Supreme Soul), is sanatana dharma.

The term “sanatana” means eternal. Dharma is attached to the term “eternal”. Thus, the dharma that is eternal is Sanatana dharma. The utility of which remains unblunted in every place, time, situation, and for every individual is sanatana dharma.

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Features of Sanatana Dharma


Sanatana dharma demands the protection and sustenance of the bearers of the earth – cows, brahmins, chaste women, the truthful, persons with no greed and the generous.

As per sanatana dharma, practicing self-restraint and destroying the disorderly are considered good while retaining the intention of love, sympathy, and welfare devoid of the bad feeling of enmity.

Ideals of sanatana dharma:

Satyam Shivam sundaram – All is true, auspicious and beautiful.
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah – May all be happy.
Sarvesham mangalam bhuyat – May all be prosperous.
Amritasya putraha – Sons of immortal.
Vasudhaiva kutumbakam – The whole world is family.
Sarvam khalvidam Brahma – All are Brahma for certain.

Development as per sanatana dharma is that which creates individuals and things that are conducive to the process of fulfilment and ultimate freedom or moksha.

Sanatana dharma is so well structured in every way that if someone follows it correctly, his behaviour will also impress and influence nastikas or atheists.

Our sanatana vedic sciences have the knowledge that inspires contemporary research in science. Sanatana shastras contain the science of the creation, sustenance, destruction, control, and functioning of the world.

The ideal religious preceptor in sanatana dharma is one whose guidance, conduct and views are as per vedic knowledge and the one who prays to Bhagavan for the welfare of all.

The Hindu way of food-clothing, housing, education, health, transportation, festivals, defence, service, law, and marriage are refined and unparalleled. Following the methodology given by sanatana dharma to create and consume would help mankind flourish.

The method of worship through religious observations is such in sanatana dharma that a person following the same can attain the position of deities of different directions (dikpalas) like – Indira, Varuna, Kubera, Yama, etc, in the course of time. Through worshipping, various types of moksha can be attained: saarshti, saroopaya, saalokaya, saamepaya, saayujaya, and kaivalya moksha.

The ideal ruler as per sanatana dharma is one in whose kingdom there is no thief, no use of substance that damages the wisdom of people (like wine), no miserly person, no one deprived of religious acts, donating and education, and no self-willed men and women.

Sanatana dharma gives the opportunity to everyone in the world to gain education as per his individual character and need, by connecting with the elder Indian seers.

The scope of sanatana dharma is wide and thus, guides us in practical situations as well us in the pursuit of the highest Truth.

The highest positions in the system of governance of sanatana dharma is by those who are detached, holding spiritual and religious positions. Thus, the governance guided by dharma is free from exploitations and biases.

Since the origin of sanatana dharma is the vedas and not individuals, the knowledge can be trusted since it is free from individuality of and the consequent influencing qualities like short-sightedness, deceit, etc.

Gaining the knowledge of the principle of sanatana dharma that Atma is eternal and the difference of bodies or the end of physical existence does not effect it, helps remove our worldly fears.

Sanatana dharma prevents poverty in the name of prosperity. The life-style and governing system is free from negative and sinful acts of alcohol, gambling, stealing, smuggling, unholiness, treachery, avoidance of hard-work, deception, lack of self-restraint, lustiness, destruction of character, harassment, etc. The sanatana system brings peace and prosperity.

Sanatana dharma gives the orderly guidance of converting the quality of tamas into rajas, rajas into sattva and sattva into shuddha-sattva. Thus, making development a smooth process. The science of sanatana dharma ensures auspiciousness in the environment through pure earth, water, air, light, sky around us; and pure resolutions and qualities within us, as individuals and in society.

With providing systematic steps for every individual, sanatana dharma aims at duty, knowledge and The Ultimate attainable.

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Note: The above meanings have been derived from discourses and books of Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji.