Tulasi Vanam

Over the years there has been a rapid rise of chronic and serious diseases. This problem is only increasing. Srimajjagadguru Shankaracharya Svami Sri Nischalananda Sarasvatiji Maharaja, Shankaracharya of Puri gives us some valuable insight on the matter.

He starts the explanation with the following example – if bhang is added to the well water, even if a person is not an addict, on drinking the water, will start relishing the intoxication he gets.

The body is made of earth, water, fire, air. The sky is also considered a part of these elements that make the body. Be it vedic, non-vedic, astika or nastika view, all consider that root causal matter of the body is earth, water, fire and air.

Destruction of the Sources of Energy

The invention and excessive use of machines/technology distorts, pollutes and agitates these four elements (earth, water, fire, air). The opinion of scientists may also be taken on this matter.

The earth gives us food, without which we cannot stay alive. Water, we have to drink and air we have to breathe. We need warmth too. If there is ample space we can move around but now there are multistories buildings all over cities and one cannot even walk freely. The sources of energy in form of the earth, water, fire and air are being manipulated, polluted and agitated.

Hence, the elements from which our body is made up of (namely – earth, water, fire, air) are being destroyed in the name of “smart cities”, with the excessive use of technology. Forests – the source of rain, have been cut; mountains are being destroyed; and even materials needed for performing fire sacrifices (yajna) are not available. The best ayurvedic plants have been made extinct.

When an ayurvedic herb is afflicted with pests or is rotten, the medicine made from it will also be diseased. The doctor, the patient and the medicine that is being given – all are diseased. Food and water is such that it kills.

One needs a pure environment to be healthy. The individuals resolutions should be pure, and appearance must be divine.

तन्मे मनः शिवसंकल्पमस्तु

However, one doesn’t hear what is auspicious, think what is auspicious or even sees what is auspicious.

For how long can a person shut his ears and eyes?

When everything is being destroyed, how shall health be good?

Even doctors who treat the patients have several diseases.

Reason for environmental destruction

The main reason for the environment getting destroyed is that no one knows the vedic method of defining and implementing the work of development. If scientists do not come under the influence of entrepreneurs, their science remains fine. However, the scientists have come under the influence of directionless businessmen and governments. Although scientists know what’s happening is wrong, they stay silent for the same reason. Hence, so much destruction is happening.

Many great scientists invent things for the progress of the country but later they regret since what they invented is misused. Now even the scientists have become directionless.

There was an update from NASA that the whole world is dying. A scientist also voiced the opinion saying that soon everything shall be destroyed and people will start falling ill.

The world is being established the wrong way – with development work that rejects vedic knowledge and embraces materialism. Such development is the main cause for the rise of chronic and other dangerous diseases world-over.


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