Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Women in Sanatana Dharma

Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji says that we must not think that women are deprived of their rights in sanatana dharma. Today, there is talk about “equal rights” for women, but the truth is that Sanatana dharma provides “special rights” for women. The mother has the final say in the matters of her children. This has been shared through the story of Mata Kaushalya and Bhagavan Rama under the title “privilege of motherhood” in this article.

There are just two conditions on women – the protection of health and modesty. Taking care of these, women are authourized to progress in any field they wish to.

Health and modesty are the only two considerations to take care of. It is due to this consideration (of health), that certain competitive sports (swimming, etc) and chanting vedas are not permitted. Reason being that these practices damage the reproductive system of women. Even as per modern science, this fact is accepted pertaining to swimmers and heavy athletics. Motherhood is a very crucial role of a woman, as we know.

However, if there is a risk to the country or one’s ideals, women need not worry about the health factor and can come forward to protect the nation like Rani of Jhansi. Today, every Hindu (including women), need to be trained to protect themselves and be capable of fighting if need be.

There is no unfairness in sanatana dharma. Pursuing one’s role, one receives the fruit of one’s actions. For example, if women are not to chant Gayatri mantra, it is for their own well-being. This does not mean that they cannot get the benefits that one gets from the Gayatri. They have an alternative mantra that they may chant, and it shall give them the same fruit as the Gayatri. Thus, chanting of the Gayatri is not a requirement at all to receive the benefits it gives.

Women are highly respected in sanatana dharma. They have the capability of giving birth to Bhagavan’s avatara and bringing Him or Her up as their own child. What could be a bigger right than this?

Read the other articles of the series to learn more on the position of women in sanatana dharma.

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