Tulasi Vanam

Living in Punjab, I grew up in a joint family where religion was not a priority for anyone at home, except for my Nani (maternal grandmother). She would read the Ramcharitmanas in the wee hours of the morning. Being a devout Hindu, she related to us interesting episodes from the Ramayan. At the tender age of nine, I did not soak in too much but was in awe of Ramji.

So far, visit to temples meant only the attraction of receiving the ‘prashad’. Years later, my parents became seekers too, and it so happened that India was flooded by the new age Gurus who introduced their own ways of worship to Bhagwanji. Many satsangs were attended by us, and we finally got initiated by the Guru who appealed to my parents.

Somehow the satsangs never mentioned any Hindu deities and were all about the Guru, so I was a bit confused, was I missing something ? Not only this, they professed to exist even before the vedas, which I thought came at the beginning of time. This confusion was really mind boggling but being caught up with the usual entanglements of life, I continued doing the practice of the mantra and ignored these doubts. Many years passed.

One day, I got a call from a long lost friend who had to attend a satsang of her Guru in our city, and would be staying with us for that purpose. It was exciting catching up again, and I decided to attend the satsang with her.

Her Guruji was the Shankaracharyaji of sanatana dharma, of which I knew nothing. The satsang was an eye-opener, a hair- raising experience for me. I felt as if Ramji had found me and I have found Him.

I cannot explain what my feelings were at that moment, they were mixed and muddled up. I did not know what to do since I was already initiated but this amazing experience transported me back to my childhood when I would listen to Nani read the Ramcharitmanas.

Ramji made me realise that there was no wasting time as my true Guru had come to me when I most needed Him. I was drawn to Him like a magnet. My Ishta Bhagwanji is Ramji, so I got initiated the very next day by the Shankaracharyaji of Puri Math.

I am so thankful to Bhagwanji for showing me the way, and introducing me to sanatana dharma which has been from time immemorial, the path of my ancestors.

Whatever happens in the future no one knows, and is only in the hands of Parmatma and happens when the time is ripe.

Jai GuruDev!

– Anonymous Devotee


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