Tulasi Vanam

In the year 2021, Śrīmajjagadguru Śaṅkarācārya Svāmī Śrī Nischalananda Sarasvatījī Mahārāja, Shankaracharya of Puri Govardhana Matha (referred to as Maharajaji), shared his view on COVID 19 vaccines when questioned on the topic. He said that these would prove to be ineffective and their use would result in future waves of the disease that would be resistant to the vaccines.

Maharajaji feels that many projects are being devised to give protection from the pandemic. Vaccines have been created too. However, no thought has been given to why this pandemic appeared in the first place and what should be done to prevent this type of pandemic from happening again.

He gave the example of mosquitoes – Various chemical sprays have been made to kill mosquitoes. Over time the mosquitoes become so strong that the sprays prove to be ineffective on them. Similarly, to remove COVID 19 they are bringing in the vaccines without considering that due to their impact future pandemics will be resistant to these vaccines and therefore, they shall prove to be ineffective.

On Use of Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) in vaccines

By now most of us would be aware of the use of FBS in the production of the COVID 19 vaccines. Below is the response given by Bharat Biotech which proves the use of new born calf serum in the production process of Covaxin:

News Report – The Role of Calf Serum in Making of COVID19 Vaccine Explained

Link to RTI 

In addition to Covaxin, FBS is also used during the research of AZD1222 (ChAdOx1). AZD1222 (ChAdOx1) is research Code of Covishield. It has been explained by the former CMO of HealthCare India, Ganesh J.Acharyaji.

Refer to twitter thread for details 

The  FDA gives details of the use of bovine derived materials in manufacture of vaccines.

Maharajaji stated that if methods prescribed by Āyurveda were encouraged, we would get the needed cure for COVID 19 within the limits of our dharmika view. On one hand there is the disease and on the other hand is our dharma.

In the name of the Corona Virus there is an attempt to make us lose our dharma, such is the foreign conspiracy.

If you wish to learn more about the C19 Vaccines in India, please go through a brief overview here.

Solution for Wellness

Advice to the Government –

Instead of just producing these vaccines, the efforts must be on how to prevent such pandemics in the future.

The definition of development (vikas) must change from a materialistic one (as is currently) to that which is from a dharmika view point. The current system of development is destroying the sources of energy – prithvi, jala, tej, vayu (earth, water, heat and air). They must be kept pure and prevented from becoming fatal.

Based on the shastras, Maharajaji gives the dharmika definition of development, as follows:

Development is the creation of individuals and society that is secure, educated, cultured, service-oriented, healthy, prosperous and directed towards the well being of all.

A dharmika environment must be created. Villages must be established in a refined way. Villagers must stay in the villages. Forests must not be destroyed, and forest dwellers must not have to leave their forests.

Do “Smart cities” have pure soil, water, sunlight, air, or even pure attitudes, smiles or joint families?

If joint families are not there – there is no kulavadhu, kuladevata, kulaguru, kulachara (daughter-in-law, family deity, family guru, family-appropriate behaviour/duties). Hence, man is reduced to a machine that eats and produces babies.

The pitfalls of development being defined in a materialist way must be given a thought. Bhārata and Nepal must try to protect themselves from this.

Guidance to the Individual –

  1. Practice staying in a silent and soothing environment.
  2. Keep distance from bad company.
  3. Contemplate upon dharma and Brahman.
  4. Lead a sattvika lifetsyle.
  5. Chant the mantra:

अच्युताय नमः
अनन्ताय नमः
गोविंदाय नमः

Achyutaya Namaha
Anantaya Namaha
Govindaya Namaha

Chant the above aloud for at least 15 minutes daily. This mantra has been given by Dhanavantari Bhagavan – Avatar of Vishnu Bhagavan who has given Ayurveda to us. The mantra will protect us from disease, if we are ill it will help us get better or deal with struggles in an easy way.


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