Tulasi Vanam

Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji Svami Nischalananda Sarasvatiji Maharaj has addressed the issue of the horrific attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh via the official YouTube channel of Govardhan Math and in an interview with Odisha Sambad.

Urging the Musalmans of Bangladesh to listen to what He has to say, Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji explains that if the existence and ideals of Hindus do not remain secure, Musalmans, Christians and communists will perish due to clashes amongst themselves. Musalmans too fight within themselves and are destroyed in that way, in countries where there are negligible or no Hindus.

Not with the intention of showing sympathy towards Hindus, but with the intention to protect themselves, it must be understood by Musalmans that everyone’s ancestors are Sanatani Vedic Arya Hindus. By attacking Hindus they are attacking their own roots. Even in this high-tech era of rockets, computers and mobiles, the ideals and values of the vedas and shastras are relevant and indispensable with reference to philosophy, science and practical application. The knowledge of the Quran and Bible is not accepted by scientists, today. No development can be done on the basis of these and this is known by scientists who are Musalman and Christians as well. The idea is not to condemn but the truth is that even their own scientists accept vedic principles and draw inspiration from them. Attacking Hindus means one is attacking ones own existence. We say that cow slaughter must not happen. However, when there is no use of a species, it becomes extinct, ultimately. The use of bulls was indispensable in our traditional way of agriculture. If their role has been replaced by tractors, then bulls become useless. Their usefulness is snatched away by the use of technology. Therefore, those who think that they do not support cow slaughter, in reality, do support it in this indirect way (by supporting the kind of development that takes away the traditional role of govansh).

If Hindus are compelled to leave Bangladesh, a huge calamity will come over Musalmans. They will lose their entire existence, if they continue like this. In case China is involved in this situation of Bangladesh, it is known how China has curbed Musalmans by breaking Masjids, etc. Now, China is trying to encourage all unruly elements surrounding India. If Musalmans fall for this ploy of the Chinese, they will be totally destroyed. Hindus will emerge victorious since harm to them shall be less in comparison. Musalmans will be annhilated.

The government (Govt of India) is under all types of global pressures so even if it wants to act (to help Hindus), it is not capable of doing so. That is where the role of Gurus comes. What will the government do? Can they call one crore Hindus into India from Bangladesh (where will they accommodate them?) or will they ask Hindus to clash with Musalmans? Neither can the government rescue those Hindus nor can it ask Hindus to clash with Musalmans. The government will remain silent and will let some persons get killed till things settle on their own with the passage of time. The new Prime Minister (of Bangladesh) will establish himself and in due course of time start creating trouble, once again.

For creating peace, Musalmans must ensure that Hindus are safe and secure. If they try to destroy Hindus, 100-200 may be killed but Muslamans will cease to exist entirely. Those who consider Hindus an enemy cannot protect themselves.

In His latest discourse, Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji reminded us on how, in Punjab, some Sikhs tried to crush Hindus, in the past. Later, it was recognized that while in Punjab, Sikhs are a majority, in the rest of the country they are a minority. They will not remain safe. Thus, Sikhs had to change their ways towards Hindus and remember that their traditional role was to protect Hindus. In the same way, in Bangladesh, violence has been unleashed on Hindus. Hindus have been hung, killed, their houses burnt, etc. One must find out who is behind the youth and others who are unleashing this terror.

If Hindus lose their patience, then it will be very devastating for the Musalmans. This must be thought about by the leaders and they must be far-sighted in the matter. If this has been caused by the current regime in Bangladesh to gain power, they must know that the world is not stupid and is watching. Hindus must be protected. If they are destroyed then no one will remain safe.

The generosity of Hindus must not be considered to be weakness by the Musalmans. The patience of Hindus must not be tested. The day it ends, things would become challenging. One must remember the words of Guru Govind Singh, who said that he will prepare such brave warriors that a single one can defeat a lakh and a quarter of his enemies. Whoever is involved in this violence must pay attention to all this and not continue to indulge in that which will create adversity for them only.

Jagadguru Puri Shankaracharyaji reminds us how He has mentioned many times that in some years Bangladesh, Pakistan, Burma, will all become part of Bharat. All those regions that have separated from Bharat are in a bad state. To give an example, when the branches of a large Banyan are cut away, the tree does lose some of its glory but the branches die away entirely.

Whoever is involved and supporting the violence against Hindus in Bangladesh, must be warned and shall be taken on when the information is revealed. We Hindus are not the kind to indulge in unruly behaviour however, our ways work and there is no power in the world that can stop us once we rise, He indicates.


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