Tulasi Vanam

3 November, 2020

Srīmajjagadguru Shankaracharya Svami Sri Nischalananda Sarasvatiji Maharaja, Shankaracharya of Puri, urges deshbhakts to give a thought to his message.

He expressed his delight over the matter that a large population, world-over, continues to have full faith in vedic teachings and varhashrama system. Only power hungry and short-sighted politicians do not have faith in them.

He urges deshbhakts to contemplate upon to the following:

During the lifetime of Gandhiji, the strategies that were devised to bring the ideals and existence of Bhārata to extinction, have been well nourished and brought to completion by the current regime.

The guiding forces and the main members of the party in power consider themselves to be the dictators of religious and spiritual matters – they create sants accordingly, and make existing sants their party preachers. Those sants who belong to traditional lineages/paramparas, and do not follow these politicians, are compelled to stay silent and consequently are crushed.

The politicians cannot tolerate a truthful sanatani sant who is well versed in the shastras, under any circumstances. They do not have the capacity to understand and imbibe the fact that applying sanatana principles according to the place, time and situation, shall alone ensure the flourishing of the individual and society in every way.

It is a matter of delight that a large population, world-over, continues to have full faith in vedic teachings and varnashrama system. Only power hungry and short-sighted politicians have no faith in them. When such politicians sing songs in praise of ancient Bhārata, at that time their attention doesn’t seem to go to the fact that the methods that were used at that time were tested by vedic scholars and prove to be the foundation of the very story of ancient Bharata.

Today, we lack a government and an army. Sikhs, Svayamsevaks and Shivsainiks are no longer the protectors of sanātana symbols. They are now the supporters of the directionless governments.

In such a situation, we must remain surrendered to dharma and Ishvara. Following the path of Prahlad is our only support.

Read original message –


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