Tulasi Vanam

This breed which is also known as Kabri (mixture of colours) is native to the Pilibhit district of Uttar Pradesh.Their is a possibility that this breed may have originated from the crossing of Nepalese Hill cattle (Morang) and local white cattle.They are small with a narrow face, small ears and big bright eyes and short features in general. Usually, their colour consists of an intermixture of black and white. They are quite active and fiery tempered requiring some effort to train but nonetheless are useful for draught purposes but mature late. The Tharu tribe is mainly responsible for keeping this breed alive although the Pasi and Yadav communities also contribute to an extent.


  • Venkatanagasai Raju Alluri is currently pursuing a degree in biotechnology focusing on cancer therapies and is interested in preserving and promoting Dharma in such a way that it appeals to his generation.

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