Tulasi Vanam

Had it not been for the mammoth efforts of Shivavtar Bhagavatpad Sri Adi Shankaracharya, today, we would not be able to call ourselves Sanatana Vedic Arya Hindus. The greatest expounder of the Advaita philosophy, Sri Adi Shankaracharya established the Smarta Sampradaya or tradition (that which is based on shruti & smriti texts). He established four mathas and pithas on the basis of Yogashikhopanishad and other vedic granthas. These are the four spiritual and religious capitals – Govardhan Math, Sringeri Math, Jyotir Math, Dvaraka Math. Those on the seat of the four mathas as “Jagadguru Shankaracharya” are the reflection of Shankara Himself. The Shankaracharyas are the spiritual leaders of Bharat and their role and responsibility is to guide those who govern the country.


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