Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series Guru

A guru is one who removes the darkness of ignorance. Imparting teachings of the scriptures or granthas, a guru connects us with Bhagavan, guiding us on the path to attain moksha or enlightenment.

We need a teacher to learn every other thing. From learning how to cook to studying various subjects, we cannot progress without guidance.

If for simple worldly existence and growth we need teachers, it is impossible to imagine that we can evolve and learn about the Supreme Truth that transcends all, without a guru.

Based on the teachings of Pujyapad Puri Shankaracharyaji, this series shall help us understand the important role of a guru in a Hindu’s life. It will also help us seek the right guru for our elevation.

In current times, when knowledge from our ancient Vedic traditions is scarcely available in its pure form, what is shared in this series will protect you from following false gurus and also empower you with the patience and discernment needed to find your right guru.

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