Tulasi Vanam
This entry is part 9 of 9 in the series About Mantras

Rules for Receiving Diksha

Diskha or initiation in a mantra must be received from an authourized guru, following the right correct procedure, giving the appropriate mantra for the particular deity, as per shastras. The correct practice of chanting must be instructed for the student to gain the desired outcome of chanting the mantra.

A mantra must be taken from a guru only. Like for worldly knowledge, we need experts to guide us on various subjects, for knowledge of the Supreme Truth, we certainly need the right guru. If you wish to learn more about how to find the right guru please read our guru series.

The right guru would also know what kind of diksha to give to the student. Barring diksha in one’s ishta devata, any other specific diksha (like Sri Vidya, for example) shall require accurate assessment of a student. A true guru would know which seed would sprout where, and hence guide appropriately.

Types of mantra diksha

In joint families, traditionally, there were kula gurus who gave diksha of Gayatri mantra during the sacred thread ceremony of the varnas authourized in it. Elder men of the family would give initiation in the Gayatri mantra as well.

In Bihar, Mithila, there is a tradition that the elder ladies of the family would find out the ishta of a child from the pandits and give the initiation of ishta devi/devata.

Kula gurus are householders. If an authorised person wishes for sannyasa diksha, he is given diksha from the right guru who has the authority for the same.

Similarly, if someone has a kula guru who is not dikshit in Sri Vidya and a person is seeking for that specific initiation, he may go to a guru that gives diksha in Sri Vidya. This kind of initiation is specific to a mantra and upasana.

Hence, traditionally four types of diksha maybe taken: from kula guru, tantric diksha from elder women in family, upasana specific diksha (like Sri Vidya, etc), diksha taken to change ashram (like entering sannyasa)

However, we must not be in habit of taking diksha from various places.


Note below: The above guideline is given for the traditional course of taking mantra diksha. Today, it is common for people to take mantra diksha from one or several spiritual guides and new gurus. Traditionally speaking, that would not be considered as mantra diksha at all. Hence, if you wish to move on to the traditional path of sanatana dharma, you may let go of the past practices with gratitude, and take initiation from a single guru of a traditional lineage who you commit to follow. 

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