Tulasi Vanam

Purvamnaya Sri Govardhan Pith (Govardhana Math) is located on the tirtha of Mahodadhi (Bay of Bengal) in Puri, Odisha. The presiding deities of the Pith are Sri Jagannatha (Purushottama) and Shakti Vimala Deva. Govardhan Natha Krishna and Ardhanarishvara , installed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya at the math are worshipped here.

Traditionally, Sri Jagannatha mandir, Puri comes under the kshetra (or jurisdiction) of the Purvamnaya Sri Govardhana Pith. The Shankaracharya of Puri is the permanent head of the Muktimandapa of the Sri Jagannatha mandir.

The Pith is dedicated to the Rigveda and propagation of the Mahavakya –

प्रज्ञानम् ब्रह्म
Prajnanam Brahma

The approximate age of the Sri Govardhana Math seat is more than 2500 years. In this kalpa, the lineage – starting from Srimannarayana, is about 1,97,29,49,117 years old.

The first Shankaracharya of the pith and, the direct student of Sri Adi Shankaracharya was Sri Padmapadacharya.

Current Shankaracharya –

145th Srimajjagadguru Shaankaracharya Svami Sri Nischalananda Saraswatiji Maharaja (image below).


Do watch this short film on Govardhana Math –


Official Website – govardhanpeeth.org

Twitter Handle – @govardhanmath

YouTube Channel – @GovardhanMath


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